By Brandon Moseley
On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 the Alabama House of Representatives voted in favor of House Bill 14 which would authorize mayors of small towns and cities to designate another person to serve on certain agencies, boards, commissions, and other entities.
The bill was sponsored by state Representative Randall Shedd (R from Fairview). Rep. Shedd said that the bill would allow mayors of small towns to appoint someone to serve on boards that the mayor is a member of due to his position as Mayor. HB14 would be limited to only class 8 muncipalities, though with less than 6000 residents
Rep. John Knight (D from Montgomery) said that the persons appointed to be the stand in needs to follow the ethics law.
Rep. Mary Moore (D from Birmingham) asked: how long would the appointment be for.
Shedd said that it would be at the discretion of the mayor
Rep. Johnnie Mack Morrow (D from Red Bay) told Shedd: “Thank you for bringing this bills.”
Rep. John Rogers (D from Birmingham) said that, “As long as it is just under 6000 I think that is ok.”
Rep. Tim Wadsworth (R from Arley) said that, “If they are getting paid to go to meetings then they should go to the meeting.” “I am not for this. If you want the recognition you should do the job.”
Rep. Paul Beckman (R from Prattville) also opposed the bill and accused Shedd of carrying this for the Alabama League of Municipalities, who were coincidentally holding their legislative day on Tuesday.
Rep. Shedd said that some small town Mayors are typically part time Mayors and make as little as $50 a month.
Rep. Beckman said that some of those mayors make as much as $50,000 and that the mayors are being paid to do a job and they should not appoint somebody from another town or county to do if for him.
The House voted overwhelmingly in favor of passing HB14.
The bill now goes on to the Alabama Senate.

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