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Luther says it was a bittersweet decision

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Thursday, February 9, 2017, new US Senator Luther Strange (R) accepted Gov. Robert Bentley’s (R) appointment to be the first new Senator from Alabama since 1997.

Senator Strange said, “I am greatly honored and humbled to accept the appointment to Alabama’s Senate seat, vacated by Senator Jeff Sessions. Senator Sessions’ commitment to public service is nearly unparalleled in Alabama history and his departure from the Senate leaves tremendous shoes to fill. I pledge to the people of Alabama to continue the same level of leadership as Jeff Sessions in consistently fighting to protect and advance the conservative values we all care about.”

Sen. Strange continued, “Personally, it is a bittersweet decision to accept this Senate appointment as I say goodbye to the Alabama Attorney General’s Office. The employees of the Attorney General’s Office are among the finest in State government and I am proud of our many accomplishments following the rule of law and ensuring accountability to the public trust. We secured $1 billion for Alabama from the historic BP-Deepwater Horizon settlement, the largest environmental damages settlement in Alabama history. We successfully kept public officials accountable to the rule of law. We have protected our Second Amendment and supported the protection of innocent life. We have stood up to Washington and EPA’s job killing policies to protect Alabama jobs and businesses and we’ve stopped government’s unlawful overreach and the abuse of political power by federal bureaucrats.”

Sen. Strange concluded, “I leave office with confidence that the governor will appoint a new Attorney General who will maintain the same commitment to upholding the rule of law and protecting Alabama as I have done during my time as your Attorney General.”

Strange is only the fifth US Senator to represent Alabama in the last 35 years. The Republican Party has held both Senate seats since 1997.

Congressman Gary Palmer (R-Hoover) said, “Congratulations to Luther Strange on his appointment to the United States Senate. I look forward to working with Senator Strange as we continue to promote and advance conservative legislation and true Alabama values.”

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State Representative Will Ainsworth said, “As a lifelong conservative, I am excited with the choice of Luther Strange to fill the US Senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions’ appointment to United States Attorney General. I know Luther well and know him to be a man of high character that will pick up right where Senator Sessions left off, fighting for Alabama conservative values in Washington everyday and supporting the Trump agenda to Make America Great Again. I am glad to know that as I fight for these things in Montgomery, Big Luther is doing the same in DC.”

Gov. Bentley will call a special election in 2018 to give the people their first opportunity to select their own choice to be Senator. Gov. Bentley will appoint the next Alabama Attorney General to finish the remaining 23 months of Luther’s Strange’s term.


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.


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