By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Monday, January 23, 2017, US Representative Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) congratulated his Legislative Counsel, Peter J. White, on joining President Donald Trump’s White House Domestic Policy Council as Senior Policy Analyst.
Congressman Mo Brooks said in a statement, “Alabama’s Fifth Congressional District’s loss is President Donald Trump’s gain. President Trump is immensely fortunate to gain the expertise of Peter J. White as a member of the White House Domestic Policy Council. Peter hails from Alabama’s Fifth Congressional District and is a fellow graduate of Grissom High School (Class of 2001).
After receiving his Juris Doctor degree from American University, Peter served as Legislative Counsel in my Washington office, crafting legislation relating to immigration, space, and cyber security. He also served as my chief advisor on judiciary and transportation issues. I wish him the best in this new position and commend his selection. The White House is gaining a passionate staffer, dedicated to helping President Trump keep his campaign promises.”
According to a brief bio shared by Rep. Brooks’ office, Peter J. White received his J.D. from American University’s Washington College of Law with a focus on antitrust law and space and aviation law.
White has worked at the Federal Trade Commission in the Office of International Affairs and the Bureau of Competition, and the Federal Communications Commission’s Spectrum and Competition Policy Division of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau.
As the Legislative Counsel for Congressman Mo Brooks, Peter’s issue areas include NASA, science & technology, immigration, energy, and judiciary matters.
Peter is an Eagle Scout, an active member of the Federalist Society, an avid pianist, and a licensed private pilot. Peter and his wife, Kira, reside in northern Virginia.
President Donald J. Trump has hundreds of positions he is still filling in the administration, including US Attorneys and ambassadors.