By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Today is the official end of the 2016 election as electors go to their state capitals and cast their ballots in the Electoral College. Republican New York City billionaire and reality TV star Donald J. Trump is expected to win the Electoral College vote, 306 to 229, over his Democratic rival and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Normally, the college is just a formality, but this year many of the Republican electors have been harassed and threatened to change their vote.
Grady Thornton is one of those Republican electoral voters. Thornton shared a photo of his mail box stuffed with mail. Thornton said, “This is my mail box last night. They were not Christmas cards. Other than a bill, an invitation, and one junk letter, these are letters asking me to change my Electoral vote Monday. In addition, there were over 100 emails, seven Messengers notices, and two phone calls urging the same. I will join the other eight Alabama Electors and we will cast our votes for Donald J. Trump. No doubt. No questions. No regrets. Michelle (Obama) may have lost hope, but we haven’t.”
Thornton said on Facebook, “A tip for the New Yorkers on the telephone: You need to know that Sunday is not the day to call Alabamians and press your political views regarding the Electoral College. You are totally out of touch.”
Alabama blogger Roger Shuler, who has been highly critical of Republicans, supports the effort to urge Electors to change their votes. Shuler said on social media, “Our democracy’s fate will lie in the balance on Monday. I’m realistic enough to expect electors to go with Trump. But the country needs to be saved from hackers and/or ignorant voters, and this might be our last shot.”
Alabama Elector and former State Representative Perry O. Hooper Jr (R) said in a statement that he is looking forward to casting his electoral vote for President Elect Donald J. Trump at the Electoral College.
Former Rep. Perry O. Hooper Jr said, “It’s an exciting time for America and Alabama. We are about to vote for the next President tomorrow at the Electoral College and I couldn’t be prouder of Alabama.”
Perry O. Hooper Jr is a statewide Elector for President Elect Trump. Hooper has invited all Alabamians to join him on in Montgomery today for the Electoral College ceremony at the Capitol’s Old House Chamber at 12:00 pm.
The ceremony is open to the public.