By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
No state embraced Donald Trump’s campaign more than Alabama. No one has ever won more votes in the history of Alabama than Donald Trump. On Saturday, the billionaire businessman and reality TV star was back in Mobile to celebrate his electoral college victory. Again, thousands turned out to welcome Trump to Alabama.
President-elect Donald Trump said, “There is no better place to celebrate than right here where it all began.”
Trump promised, “We’re going to go back to the old days …buy American and hire American. …We have tremendous potential. We are going to make America great again.”
On foreign policy President-elect Trump said, “The safety of the American people will always be the priority in the Trump administration. …I’m going to keep radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country.” The President-elect stated that his administration is going use “extreme vetting.”
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton raised and spent more money than any candidate in history, but to no avail on election night. Trump said, “When you spend less money and win, that’s much better than the other way.” Trump, bragging on himself, went on to say, “I don’t think anyone has ever worked harder in the last month of a presidential campaign than I did.”
US Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) told President-elect Trump. “It is great to have you back in my hometown Mobile, Alabama.” Sen. Sessions was the first Senator to endorse Trump during the Republican Primaries. Sessions also appeared with Trump at the nationally televised Mobile event where 30,000 people filled Ladd-Peoples Stadium in August, 2015. Trump has nominated Sen. Sessions to be his Attorney General.
Numerous dignitaries including Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley (R) welcomed President-elect Trump to Alabama.
Gov. Bentley said on Twitter, “Welcome to Our #GreatState! You saved the best for last. It’s honor (sic) to have you in Alabama, Mr. President.”
Bentley endorsed Ohio Governor John Kasich (R) in the GOP Primaries. Bentley, like Kasich, refused to support Donald Trump in the General Election, though Trump easily won both Alabama and Ohio.
Sen. Sessions, Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange (R), and State Representatives Tim Wadsworth (R-Arley), Jim Carns (R-Vestavia), Barry Moore (R-Enterprise), Ed Henry (R-Hartselle), and former state Rep. Perry O. Hooper Jr (R), also addressed the crowd. Henry is being considered for a postion in the Trump Administration.
The Speaker of the Alabama House of Representatives, Mac McCutcheon, said to Henry on Facebook, “Great day for Alabama and the nation. Great work during the campaign for President elect Trump. Congratulations!!!”
Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange tweeted, “Ready to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain w/ Donald J. Trump.”
Alabama Republican Party Chairwoman Terry Lathan said, “It was a great day in Mobile. President-Elect Trump is ready to change this nation. Thank goodness elections do have consequences.”