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Parker Warns Judiciary’s Fate at Stake

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Tuesday, October 25, 2016, Alabama Supreme Court Justice Tom Parker (R) released a statement endorsing Donald Trump for President of the United States. Parker said that the future of the courts is at stake in this election and that, “Is why I am supporting the Trump-Pence ticket in November and why all conservatives should join me.”

Justice Parker wrote in a statement, “From my perspective as a judge currently serving on a state supreme court, the most important issue in this election is the future of the judiciary. The rule of law, upon which the exceptionalism of America rests, is at stake.”

Parker said that, “Liberals have expanded the role of the Federal government through the Federal Judiciary to impose their will on issues that have traditionally been left to the states to decide. Having failed to pass into law through the democratic process their desired social agendas, liberals turned to the federal judiciary.”

Alabama Supreme Court Justice Parker warned that Hillary Clinton’s liberal approach to the judiciary, “Is in direct contradiction to the rule of law. Hillary Clinton would appoint liberal federal judges who seep to be judicial kings, rather than servants of the rule of law.”

Parker said, “The Federal Judiciary is the single most important American institution in upholding the rule of law. However, as we have recently observed, observed, liberal politicians have appointed federal judges – who are unaccountable to the people– that have captained the ship of state like drunken pirates. Liberal judges, unrestrained by the Constitution, cast aside the rule of law in favor of raw acts of political will and social policy.”

The conservative Alabama jurist said that, “Donald Trump would correct the course of this wayward ship by appointing principled and conservative federal judges. Donald Trump has released a list of potential nominees that he would draw from to fill vacancies on the Supreme Court of the United States.” Parker wrote that, “The judges on this list have a demonstrated commitment to the rule of law and to a conservative judicial approach.”

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Justice Parker was a Senator Ted Cruz (R) delegate at the GOP convention. On Tuesday he was on the Trump bus as it campaigned across the State of Alabama.

Justice Parker is also on the November 8 General Election ballot running for re-election. However, no Democrat has won a statewide judicial race in Alabama since Sue Bell Cobb (D) beat Riley appointee Drayton Nabors (R) for Chief Justice in 2008. As a result of overwhelming Republican dominance, the Alabama Democratic Party was unable to recruit candidates to run against Parker and the other Republican justices.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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