By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Tuesday, October 25, 2016, the Trump campaign toured Alabama by bus. While neither Donald J. Trump (R) nor his running mate, Mike Pence were on the bus several leaders of his Alabama Campaign team were onboard. The Alabama Political Reporter (APR) met the bus tour at Hoover Tactical Firearms.
Jefferson County Republican Party Chair Sally Bryant told the estimated 260 people who came out to cheer for the Trump; “This is a great turnout. Thanks to everyone for coming out.”
Judy Carns said that she started a group, the Trumpettes, over a year ago to promote the candidacy of Donald Trump for President of the United States. Carns said that she has been praying and that, “Donald J. Trump is God’s choice.” Mrs. Carns said that she and her husband, State Representative Jim Carns (R-Vestavia) were on the GOP Platform committee and this is the strongest platform that the Republican Party has ever had.
Trump’s Alabama campaign co-Chair State Representative Jim Carns said that when he and State Representative Ed Henry (R-Hartselle) came out for Trump in the summer of 2015 they were really putting themselves out there. Carns said that what Trump has done is create a movement. Trump is a man of his word. Trump is talking about issues that were never talked about before. When Trump says that he will build a wall he will. Trump will look at all the treaties and agreements that we have and will replace those not working for us. Trump will get control of the border.
State Representative Ed Henry said that he saw all these polls showing Trump down 6, 7, even 9 percent down to Hillary Clinton and he began to get discouraged. Then he phoned Trump headquarters in New York and they said that that is not what they are seeing at all on the ground. Trump is up five or six percentage points.
Rep. Henry said that there is a coordinated effort by the main stream media to suppress the vote to elect Hillary Clinton. Henry said that a Clinton presidency, “Brings bondage to the American people. Are you going to let that happen?”
Alabama Supreme Court Justice Tom Parker (R) said that he began as a Ted Cruz supporter and was a Cruz delegate at the convention; but now is enthusiastically supporting Donald Trump for President.
Justice Parker said that the next President will appoint three or four US Supreme Court Justices. Parker said that we just saw five Justices disregard the Constitution and precedent to do what they wanted to do (presumably referring to the controversial same sex marriage decision) and warned that Hillary Clinton will appoint more such justices, while Donald Trump will be advised by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) when he makes those appointments.
Parker said that the smallest branch of government (the judiciary) has become the rudder that is steering the ship of state and that ship is sinking if it keeps going in this directions.
Congressman Robert Aderholt (R-Haleyville) said that Supreme Court Appointments made by the next President will affect you for the rest of your lives as well as affecting the lives of your children and grandchildren.
Rep. Aderholt said he served with Mike Pence in the Congress for 12 years and there is no one more hardworking or more conservative than Pence. If Mike Pence and Senator Sessions are the kind of people that Trump surrounds himself with he is a candidate that we can all support.
Rep. Aderholt said that the Congress can pass laws all day long; but it takes the President to sign them into law.
Republican Party Chairman Terry Lathan said, “I am proud to be the Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party.” “We need Donald Trump to stop Hillary Clinton.” Lathan said that the people of Alabama supported Donald Trump two to one and we in the Alabama Republican Party stand with the people of Alabama.
Jefferson County Republican Party Chair Sally Bryant said that we have a lot of good Republican candidates all up and down the ballot. Bryant urged voters to vote all the way down the ballot.
Shelby County Republican Party Chair Joan Reynolds said, “We want Donald Trump to be proud of Alabama.”
Joan Reynolds said that she is leading a team of over 100 Republicans to campaign door to door for Donald Trump in the state of Florida. Reynolds said that they still need some volunteers. They campaign will pay for your transportation and your lodging. Contact Reynolds if interested.
Other dignitaries present included: state Senator Rusty Glover, Greater Birmingham Republican Women President Britney Garner, Alabama Constitutional Conservatives Director Deanna Frankowski, and Hoover City Councilman Gene Smith.
The General Election will be on November 8.