By Josh Moon
Alabama Political Reporter
Martha Roby should have just kept silent.
Paul Ryan should mind his own business.
The Bush family should just stay out of this.
Yes, that’s right, the Donald Trump Wing of the Republican Party – think of it as a collection of the drunk uncles and odd cousins we avoid at family gatherings – wants all of them, and anyone else who disagrees with them, to just shut up and go away.
Ryan has faced a nationwide backlash for his condemnation of Trump’s deplorable behavior.
The Bush family, from Barbara to the family dogs, have long hated the Gerbil-Haired Wonder.
And now, poor ol’ Rep. Roby is catching hell.
After the release several days ago of Trump’s sexual assault instructional video, Roby finally let the country know that she’s had enough.
In a statement, she asked Trump to step aside and allow a “responsible, respectable Republican” to take the lead. Roby has said she would support Vice Presidential nominee Mike Pence.
And to Roby’s credit, she didn’t “clarify” her statement, like several other spineless politicians. Apparently, she considered Trump’s behavior, considered her feelings and then spoke truthfully.
Weird, I know.
Too weird for the Pike County Republican Women’s group. That group cancelled Roby’s invitation to speak there later this month and replaced her with Perry Hooper Jr., the co-chairman (because one chairman couldn’t possibly do it) of Trump’s Alabama campaign.
Did you get that?
After video of Trump discussing his tactics for sexually assaulting women hit the media, and Roby was finally sickened enough to dump him, a WOMEN’S group dumped her.
“Her opinion is hers,” Shirley Reddoch, president of the club, told the Troy Messenger, “but we wish she had kept silent.”
Because everyone knows that silence serves us best.
What is wrong with y’all?
I’m serious. That’s a legitimate question at this point.
Because Martha Roby is hardly alone in walking away from Trump. Scores of other GOP officials, congressmen, governors and state politicians have also bailed on him.
And they’ve done so for one simple reason: electing him president would be insane.
This isn’t about party affiliation. Or even policy.
It’s about preventing a reprehensible, ignorant bigot from becoming the leader of this country.
It’s about continuing the progression of America that has seen women and minorities make significant gains and advance the promise of equality. It’s about honoring a system of laws that ensures religious freedom and personal respect.
No matter what you think of Hillary Clinton, she doesn’t threaten any of those fundamental values in this country.
Donald Trump has and does.
From his Muslim ban to his consistent condemnation of Hispanics. From his misogynistic insults of women to his explanations of how he can best fondle and grope them without legal recourse. From his suggestion that we murder the children of suspected terrorists to his promise to have a political opponent jailed.
The Republican Party has disgraced itself by nominating such a man. Luckily, some of that party’s top members have recognized it and spoken out.
There’s something to be said for that. If nothing else, those displays of common sense and devotion to country over party give me hope.
Because taking such a stand, particularly in the face of the angry mob trailing behind Trump, is never easy.
Believe me, I’m very familiar with how it can go.
But in the end, Roby and Ryan and the scores of other people who have made the tough decision to walk away from their party’s candidate, will make the country better.
And really, who wants to eat in Pike County anyway?