By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
The Republican National Committee (RNC) says that efforts by Alabamians volunteering in Florida are essential for Donald Trump’s campaign in Florida.
The RNC National State Party Director, Matt Pinnell, wrote those comments in a memo to Joan Reynolds who Chairs the Mighty Alabama Strike Force (Florida).
Pinnell wrote, “First, let me thank you for agreeing to take on the additional Florida areas that we outlined during our recent conference call. Your state’s volunteer efforts are becoming more and more critical to a vital Trump win in Florida. In fact, RNC internals point to a major Alabama involvement in the Florida ground game being essential for that state’s victory on November 8.”
Pinnell wrote that, “Out of 8.4 million votes cast in Florida in 2012, Obama won by just 73,189 votes. With 6,089 precincts in the state, Romney needed just 13 more votes per precinct to have won. 13! The RNC stands ready to assist you and your core group as you develop the expanded implementation plans. However, as I like to say, it takes two things to win elections: money and everything else. Therefore, in the financial area, we implore you to do a major statewide effort to impress upon Alabama Republicans, and conservatives of all stripes, to find creative ways to fund this final ground game effort. The more funding you can raise to cover volunteers’ travel, lodging and incidental expenses, the more volunteers you will sign up.”
Pinnell said, “The final drive is about winning the White House and ensuring that we keep a conservative Congress and Supreme Court. Imagine a 7-2 Hillary skewed Supreme Court. We need you, Alabama. You can serve as a catalyst in the Florida ground game. We’re truly appreciative of all your efforts in helping make 2016 a success and taking back our country. See you in Florida!”
Joan Reynolds recently addressed the Republican Women of Shelby County where she said that Alabama is sending busloads of volunteers to Jacksonville, Tampa, Pensacola, Fort Myers, Sarasota, and Panama City. Reynolds mentioned that Marty Connors had organized volunteers to assist in Ohio, but those groups had already left for Ohio.
Joan Reynolds is married to Alabama Republican National Committeeman Paul Reynolds, who also heads the Alabama Free Market Alliance. Paul Reynolds wrote that Alabama Republicans are vital to delivering Florida to Trump, stating, “If you can volunteer or give, please let us know!”
The Alabama Republican Party wrote in a statement, “It’s time to choose a direction for America. There is a clear choice for a conservative America. Donald J. Trump is the Republican nominee that our primary voters chose in record breaking numbers. He is also the one person to stop Hillary Clinton and halt the liberal erosion of our nation.”
ALGOP wrote, “Join us TODAY as over 100 Alabama volunteers travel to canvass Ohio and Florida for Trump by helping to register and encouraging Republican voters to turn out on Election Day! Will you consider sponsoring a volunteer from Alabama who will knock on doors for you if you can’t go yourself?”
ALGOP wrote that, “Ohio’s 18 electoral votes are in the balance, and our neighboring state of Florida is a crucial swing state with 29 electoral votes at stake. Earning these electoral votes will help guarantee a decisive victory! With your donation, we can ensure that every measure is taken to stop Hillary Clinton and elect our Republican Nominee, Donald J. Trump.”
Joan Reynolds, who also Chairs the Shelby County Republican Party, wrote, “Alabama has been asked to organize 150 volunteers to travel to Florida to assist with GOTV efforts. We are leaving Oct 30-Nov 5 for Florida. We are sending volunteers to six Florida cities: Ft. Myers, Jacksonville, Panama City, Pensacola, Sarasota, and Tampa. Buses will leave from Huntsville for Tampa and Jacksonville making stops in Birmingham and Montgomery, if needed. Those going to Sarasota and Ft. Myers will be traveling in cars. Most of them live in the Montgomery and Wiregrass area. Many volunteers from the Baldwin and Mobile counties will travel to Pensacola and Panama City. Remember, if you drive your own car you can certainly go to any of the above mentioned areas.”
The General Election will be on November 8.