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ALGOP Chairwoman Says We Must Protect America’s Future With President Trump

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Monday, October 10, 2016, Alabama Republican Party Chairman Terry Lathan urged voters not to change course by continuing to support Republican nominee Donald Trump. This, in spite of the over-the-top rhetoric bragging about his sexual conquests and demeaning women.

Chairman Lathan said, “The last sixty hours have been very unconventional in a presidential election. The eleven year old leaked Trump tape had reprehensible words, and even worse, a disrespectful and juvenile attitude toward women. No one can or will defend this type of lewd conduct.”

The ALGOP Chairman said, “Mr. Trump has apologized for this behavior and called his own words ’embarrassing’. He is correct. He also has said that’s not the type of person he is now. This is a very teachable moment for him as well as ourselves.”

Lathan said this is a, “Wake up call for America to look in the mirror at the erosion of our culture. We need to ask ourselves what we can do to end the bitter divisiveness in our beloved nation.”

Lathan said that it, “Is imperative that we look ahead to envision what a United States Supreme Court would look like with liberal Hillary Clinton judges. Our votes will choose the direction we are about to take. The stroke of our pens will decide if we continue the liberal path or change directions. With the fragile balance of the Supreme Court awaiting our decision, there is a clear choice for a conservative America. Donald Trump is the Republican nominee that our primary voters chose, in record breaking numbers, fully aware of his past and style. He is also the one person to stop Hillary Clinton and halt the liberal erosion of our nation.”

Lathan concluded, “We must protect America’s future with President Donald Trump. I am a woman who looks forward to the day a woman is president of our beloved nation, but not Hillary Clinton. Voting for a person to make a cultural statement rather than a policy statement is dangerous. Not this time, Mrs. Clinton. Never Hillary!”

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Lathan’s comments echoes those of the National Federation of Republican Women who wrote, “With 30 years of Hillary Clinton history as a guide, we knew an onslaught of attacks would be coming from the Clinton Campaign, and as suspected, here they are. Hillary Clinton, together with her husband, will stop at nothing to get what they want,” Almond said. “And what they want for themselves is to be back in the White House. What they want for us as citizens is an even more disturbing reality. Another Clinton in the White House means more regulation, higher taxes, the end of our civil liberties, skyrocketing energy costs, open borders, increased pressure on a fragile economy and a military so underfunded and demoralized that our troops and our will be left exposed and vulnerable.”


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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