By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Monday, September 26—Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton faced off for their first debate. For those expecting fireworks, it did not disappoint. The debate was hosted at Hofstra University and moderated by NBC News’ Lester Holt. The Alabama Political Reporter (APR) watched it in Vestavia Hills with the Alabama Minority GOP, the Constitutional Conservatives and the Jefferson County Republican Party. The strongly pro-Trump crowd cheered every minute.
Alabama Minority GOP Chairman Phillip Brown believed that Trump won the debate. He told APR that the part he liked best was the way that Trump snapped back in the exchanges.
Alabama Constitutional Conservatives organizer Deanna Frankowski also felt that Trump won the debate. Frankowski thought that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s rapid eye blinking was a sign that she was in bad health and was perhaps over medicated.
State Representative Mack Butler (R-Rainbow City) also noticed the rapid blinking. Butler said on social media, “Blink blink blink goes Hillary.”
State Representative Ed Henry (R-Hartselle) said on social media, “I love the fact that Trump doesn’t concern himself with the moderator. If you can’t handle a fake moderator you can’t handle ‘the world.'”
Rep. Butler said, “It’s way past time to run America like a business, and we need a businessman at the top to set the tone. Make America Great Again!”
State Auditor Jim Zeigler said that neither candidate landed a knock-out punch, though neither candidate fumbled the ball. Zeigler predicted that the debate would not move many votes.
Auditor Zeigler was critical of NBC’s Lester Holt, who he said did a poor job of controlling the debate. “Holt’s questions sounded like they were written by the Hillary campaign,” Zeigler said. “The time spent on the birther issue was wasted. Obama has only four months remaining, so the birther issue has been mooted by the passage of time.”
Zeigler continued, “Holt’s final question was ridiculous. ‘Will you accept the results as the will of the people?’ What other option do they have? This question is appropriate for junior high student councils.”
The next presidential debate will be held on October 9th. The Vice Presidential will be on October 4.
The election will be on November 8th.
State Representative Tim Wadsworth (R-Arley) reminded Alabamians, “In Alabama, you have until Oct. 24 to register to vote in the November General Election.”