By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Thursday, September 15, 2016, Rasmussen reports that Republican nominee Donald J. Trump has taken a lead in the polls over Democratic nominee Hillary R. Clinton for the first time. Hillary had been leading throughout but concern’s about her health and lingering doubts about her ethics could possibly be changing this race.
Donald Trump has edged ahead of Clinton after trailing her by four points a week ago. According to the latest Rasmussen Reports weekly White House Watch national telephone and online survey Trump has 42 percent support to Clinton’s 40 percent. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson is getting seven percent of the vote, and Green Party candidate Jill Stein is getting two percent. Two percent support some other candidate and seven percent are undecided. Trump has led Clinton only once in this polling and that was mid July.
Donald Trump responded, “Great poll – thank you America! I will not let you down!”
Numerous state polls show Trump either tightening or even starting to pull ahead in the swing states. After a recent poll showed Colorado leaning toward Trump, the Republican nominee said, “I was told to not bother with Colorado. I was told we had no chance. We had another beautiful rally in Colorado last night – and now these new poll numbers.”
Here in Alabama, the Trump campaign opened the Elmore County GOP headquarters on Sunday.
Trump River Region Chairman former state Representative Perry Hooper Jr. said, “I enjoyed Stumping for Trump today at the Grand Opening of the Elmore County Republican Party Headquarters.”
Hooper and rising country music performer Donica Knight were there to welcome the people of Wetumpka at an old fashioned ice cream social. Trump-Pence signs and supplies will be there while supplies last. The headquarters is at 633 Coosa River Parkway.
Last Sunday a visibly ill Hillary Clinton had to leave a 9-11 memorial service early. The campaign later said that she had pneumonia. This after Clinton fired up many Trump supporters by calling them: “Deplorables.” The Trump campaign has seized on that gaffe.
The Presidential election will be November 8.