By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Friday, September 9, US Representative Mike Rogers (R-Saks) reported in an email to constituents about his recent activities across the Third Congressional District of Alabama during the District Work Period.
Rep. Rogers wrote, “I always enjoy taking a break from Washington to visit with folks and spend time back in our great State. During this work period, I had the opportunity to tour several facilities in the Third District including DaVita Dialysis in Opelika and General Electric in Auburn. These companies are both great examples of growing areas of the economy: health care and aviation.”
Congressman Rogers also toured the new Weaver Community Center where he visited with seniors and held a meeting of his Third Congressional District Veterans Advisory Committee to hear what was on the minds of our Veterans. Rep. Rogers said, “we got to learn about the Veterans Upward Bound Program that aids Veterans in their pursuit of higher education.”
Rogers also addressed students at Anniston Middle School where he presented a flag. Rogers also toured the Oxford Career Technical Center at Oxford High School.
Rep. Rogers said, “It was great to see students get the chance to train in these technical fields.”
Rogers also met with farmers from across East Alabama at Auburn University to discuss what agriculture issues were on the forefront and toured the Auburn Canine Breeding Facility.
The Congressman also wrote that he, “Had the distinct honor of attending the Anniston Army Depot’s 75th Anniversary celebration and presented a Congressional Record statement recognizing this exciting time for that important facility.”
Mike Rogers has served almost 14 years representing Alabama in the Congress. Before that he served in the Alabama House of Representatives for two terms.