By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Tuesday, August 23, 2016, voters in 522 towns in Alabama will go to the polls to vote for their town’s Mayor and City Council.
Municipal elections are traditionally the least participated in. Far more voters will go to the polls on November 8, to vote in the Presidential election. But, the irony is, voters can make more of an immediate impact on their communities by voting in a municipal election.
Most of the normal rules still apply. Alabama voters must provide a valid photo ID in order to vote in the November 8, Presidential election.
If you do not have a valid photo ID, your local Board of Registrars can provide you with a free voter ID. Contact the Alabama Secretary of State’s office for assistance or for more information.
Forms of photo ID accepted at the polls include:
Valid driver’s license
Alabama photo voter ID card
State issued ID (any state)
Federal issued ID
US Passport
Employee ID from Federal Government, State of Alabama, County, Municipality, Board, or other entity of this State
Student or Employee ID from a public or private college or university in the State of Alabama (including postgraduate technical or professional schools)
Military ID
Tribal ID
An expired driver’s license is NOT acceptable, so make sure to check your license to make sure that it is current.
A recent court decision overturning North Carolina’s controversial photo ID law, has called into question, if such photo ID requirements are actually constitutional.
One thing that is different: municipal elections are non-partisan. Candidates do not declare their party affiliation, so there is no straight ticket voting (Democratic or Republican).
Polls will open across Alabama at 7:00 am and close at 7:00 pm.
To see if your town or city is on the list of the 522, click here.