By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Wednesday, August 3, State Representative Randall Shedd (R-Cullman) issued a statement congratulating Rep. Mac McCutcheon (R-Madison) for his recent election by the House Republican Caucus as the next Speaker of the Alabama House of Representatives.
Rep. Shedd wrote, “I believe the Alabama House Republican Caucus began the process of turning the page from corruption and selected a new leader and a new day with Representative Mac McCutcheon.”
State Representative Shedd said, “I am proud our new Speaker of the House will be from north Alabama. I voted for Rep. McCutcheon in caucus for Speaker and I look forward to voting for him on the floor of the House.”
Shedd said of McCutcheon, “He is thrifty yet looks for performance from State government. I’ve always admired the fact that when he is in Montgomery, he and his wife live in a fifth-wheel camper in a campground instead of a plush hotel suite or luxury apartment. This speaks volumes about him and his background as a police officer and farmer, which means he knows and understands the needs of working men and women. And, he is a man of faith.”
Rep. Shedd added, “We had a lengthy discussion about his vision for Alabama and I am convinced he will lead us to restore the confidence of the public. I believe we will now focus on issues that matter to the people of Alabama instead of political grandstanding. For example, I expressed my concern about the problem the people of Alabama have getting a driver license, with the wait times being unacceptable. He spoke about this in his speech to us and I believe it will be a priority now to solve that problem so people don’t have to take off work and spend all day getting a driver license. That is just one example of doing things that matter.”
Rep. Shedd concluded, “I congratulate our nominee for Speaker and look forward to getting to work on things that matter instead of petty politics.”
Many in the conservative grass roots movement in Alabama were disenchanted with Speaker Hubbard even before he was indicted. It is hoped that Speaker McCutcheon can heal the rift that developed between grassroots Republican activists and House Republicans during Speaker Hubbard’s controversial tenure as Alabama’s Speaker.
Alabama Constitutional Conservatives organizer and Donald Trump Delegate Deanna Frankowski told the Alabama Political Reporter, “We are in a wait and see with the new Speaker, will he stand by Conservative values or will he go the way of past Speakers and not listen to the will of the people, time will tell.”
The position of Speaker became vacant when disgraced former Speaker Mike Hubbard (R-Auburn) was found guilty of 12 counts of felony ethic violations. Original investigative reporting by the Alabama Political Reporter was instrumental in the Lee County Grand Jury being impaneled that indicted Speaker Hubbard.
Rep. McCutcheon will formally be elected as Speaker on August 15, when the full House of Representatives meet. Republicans hold a commanding super majority in the Alabama House and they have all pledged to support the GOP nominee for Speaker, McCutcheon. Six candidates were nominated for Speaker in the Caucus. The full Caucus voted on Tuesday and eliminated the candidate with the fewest votes; then they voted again and again removing the candidate with the fewest votes until finally McCutcheon was their selection.