By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Almost a year ago, the big fear among Republicans was that New York City billionaire and reality TV star, Donald J Trump would lose a couple of GOP Primaries and then take his money and 25 percent of the Republican base and run as an independent for the White House. To ward against that doomsday scenario for the GOP, the Republican National Committee demanded that all seventeen Republican candidates for President pledge to endorse the GOP nominee no matter who got the nomination. All the candidates but Trump came forward and agreed to those terms. Trump was very reluctant but eventually agreed.
In debate after debate the bombastic Trump tore down his debate opponents in ways no one outside of the wrestling world has ever seen on national TV before. His opponents tried to counter. The low point was when US Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida) attacked Donald Trump’s spray tan and his penis size. It (like every attack on Trump) was an unmitigated disaster.
No one at the time of the pledge understood just how popular Trump was with the American people. Trump shattered every GOP record for primary votes cast……and the race was over after the Indiana Primary with no remaining challengers. Trump was outspent by former Florida Governor Jeb Bush (R) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)……meanwhile Trump went on every TV news show in the country for free.
Trump won over the Republican Primary voters but not his opponents.
Jeb Bush has refused to come to the convention and has even talked openly about backing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (D). Ohio Governor John Kasich (R) is notably absent from the convention even though it is in his home state. Then there is Ted Cruz. Cruz spoke at the Convention and told voters to vote their conscience……not the endorsement that he had promised in the shorter speech he turned in to the Trump campaign.
Reaction was strong.
Voice of Alabama producer Jonathan Barbee said, “Senator Ted Cruz literally booed off of the stage at the 2016 GOP Convention! Refused to say Vote for Donald Trump. He may have committed Political suicide!”
Breitbart is reporting that “Everyone, including Ted Cruz’s OWN AIDES, pleaded with him to endorse the Republican nominee and honor his pledge. Cruz refused.”
State Representative Mack Butler (R-Rainbow City) said, “I had hoped Ted Cruz would be a “class act” and keep his word. Integrity seems to be hard to come by for a few. I was very disappointed by his lack of an endorsement tonight. RNC 2016! Get on the train as this election is bigger than you. Trump 2016!”
Former Alabama Republican Armistead said, “SHAME ON CRUZ!!! I normally don’t criticize other Republicans but Cruz’s refusal to endorse Trump tonight was shameful. It appears all that he wanted tonight was some prime time TV. He should never hold the office of President of the United States if he can’t stay true to his pledge to support the nominee of our party.”
Alabama Constitutional Conservatives organizer Cindy Monaghan-Holcomb who is a Trump delegate said, “In the spirit of transparency, it would appear that Ted Cruz received a warm welcome at the convention. In reality, all the Trump delegates had left the floor to allow the Cruz delegates to come on the floor to give them the opportunity to hear Ted Cruz speak. Even after this selfless gesture on the part of Trump and his supporters, Ted Cruz used the opportunity to further his own agenda rather than gracefully bowing out and asking his supporters to support Donald Trump. So very disappointing.”