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Jeff Sessions Speaks at Republican National Convention

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Monday, July 18, US Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) addressed the Republican National Convention and said that Trump is the leader that will bring change.

Sen. Sessions said, “Our voters spoke clearly on two critical issues in our primaries: trade and immigration. They affirmed Donald Trump and his positions. They oppose Obamatrade. They demand a lawful system of immigration that protects their safety and their financial well-being.”

Sen. Sessions said that, “Average Americans have been the first to know something is wrong with this economy. Our middle class is steadily declining, with our African American and Hispanic communities being hurt the most. But, the Washington establishment, the media, and big corporations have been in denial.”

Sessions said that the incomes of middle class Americans have fallen on average $4,186 than they were in 1999. “This is an economic disaster. We are on the wrong track and the people know it.”

Sen. Sessions warned that, “Hillary Clinton’s plan is more of the same: more government, more taxes, more regulation, more immigration, and more debt. She has been a champion of globalist trade agreements. But the facts are in. They have not worked for our people. When those agreements were signed, Presidents Clinton and Obama promised our dangerous trade deficits with China and Korea would be reduced. But, the deficit with China has increased five-fold and the deficit with Korea doubled. These are job-killing numbers. Worst of all, they are now pushing the disastrous 5,554-page Obamatrade – the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement.”

Sessions said that this election has also been about immigration. While the people have pleaded for an end to the lawlessness, and for sound immigration policies that advance the national interest; “Our elites have responded with disdain, dismissal, and scorn.”

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Sen. Sessions said, “When we bring in more workers than we have jobs for that job prospects and wages will fall.” “We lawfully admit 1.1 million permanent residents annually, more than any other country. In addition, we have 700,000 foreign guest workers taking jobs. The majority of these are not seasonal or agricultural. There are about 350,000 people who succeed in crossing our borders illegally each year, and almost 500,000 more unlawfully overstay their visas. These are extreme numbers. But the only solution from Obama and Hillary Clinton is to capitulate to the lawlessness and give amnesty and citizenship to all.”

Sessions said that all the net job growth since 2000 went to immigrants. “We don’t have enough jobs for the people who are here.” “It cannot be our policy to have workers from abroad take jobs while we provide support payments for unemployed Americans.”

The conservative Alabama Senator said that, “Bad trade deals close factories, and end high paying jobs. Excess immigration floods the labor market reducing jobs and wages.”

Sessions said that Americans want help now. “That is why we need Donald Trump.” “Donald Trump is the leader that will bring change. He has the strength, courage, and will to get it done.”

Sessions promised that if elected Donald Trump will kill Obamatrade, build the wall, and “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

Former Alabama Republican Party Chairman Bill Armistead said, “Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions is addressing the Republican National Convention right now. Mighty proud of him. Can’t wait for him to be in the Trump cabinet.”

State Representative Mack Butler (R-Rainbow City) said, “Alabama proud of our Senator Jeff Sessions! I’m also very proud to have been endorsed by him when I ran for the state house in 2012. Trump 2016.”

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State Representative Tim Wadsworth (R-Arley) said, “US Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama was given the honor to nominate Donald J Trump for President of the United States.”

Senator Sessions was the first US Senator to endorse Donald Trump and reportedly helped author Trump’s immigration and border security plan.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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