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Lathan Comments on Sanders’ Endorsement of Hillary Clinton

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

On Tuesday, July 12, former Democrat presidential candidate US Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) endorsed Hillary Clinton for President ending the most divisive primary race for either party since then former California Governor Ronald Reagan challenged President Gerald Ford in the Republican Primary in 1976.

Sen. Sanders said in a statement to supporters, “Today, I endorsed Hillary Clinton to be our next president. I know that some of you will be disappointed with that decision. But I believe that, at this moment, our country, our values, and our common vision for a transformed America, are best served by the defeat of Donald Trump and the election of Hillary Clinton.” “In the weeks since the last primary, both campaigns have worked together in good faith to bridge some of the policy issues that divided us during the election. Did we come to agreement on everything? Of course not. But we made important steps forward.”

Sen. Sanders finally bowed out after the FBI Director James Comey announced that he would not indict Hillary Clinton for what he called her “careless” handling of classified information, while she was the Secretary of State.

Alabama Republican Party Chairman Terry Lathan said afterwards, “Today America saw Bernie Sanders, a devout and proud socialist, endorse Hillary Clinton for president. This endorsement, from a man who embraces socialism and enthusiastically applauds adding a crushing debt to our nation – only adds to the disaster that would be a Hillary Clinton presidency.”

ALGOP Chairman Lathan continued, “Last week, the presumptive Democrat nominee was scolded by FBI Director James Comey for all the world to see. Mrs. Clinton lied repeatedly to Congress and the American people. Her foreign policy history is a catastrophe. She has no idea how to invigorate our economy as she is not a job creator but a job crusher. Her belief in more federal regulations will only grow the size of our government and decrease American jobs. Her desire to end the coal industry is disturbing.”

Lathan continued, “Now, Bernie Sanders, a card carrying socialist, officially agrees her experience is what America needs. We’ve seen what happens when America is infiltrated with liberal policies. It only harms our nation. We can’t stand any more ‘berns’ on our nation. Alabama will continue to reject Democrat policies in our counties and state.”

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The acknowledgement that Hillary will be the Democratic Party nominee ends the threat of a contested Democratic Party convention and sets up a presidential elections between Secretary Clinton and presumptive GOP nominee New York City billionaire businessman and reality TV start, Donald Trump.

While many Republicans question Trump’s ability to win in a general election, Chairman Lathan was more optimistic. Lathan said. “We look forward to the distinct contrast between Mr. Trump’s conservative policies and Mrs. Clinton’s continued liberal path. America is at a crossroads and we plan to get this election right by electing a Republican this November.”

Sen. Sanders said, “We showed that the American people support a bold, progressive agenda that takes on the billionaire class, that fights for racial, social, economic and environmental justice and that seeks to create a government that works for all of us and not just the big campaign donors. We mobilized over 13 million voters across the country. We won 23 Democratic primary and caucus contests. We had literally hundreds of thousands of volunteers across the country. And we showed – in a way that can change politics in America forever – that you can run a competitive national grassroots campaign without begging millionaires and billionaires for campaign contributions.”

Sen. Sanders said, “Hillary Clinton released a debt free college plan that we developed together which now includes free tuition at public colleges and universities for working families. This was a major part of our campaign’s agenda and a proposal that, if enacted into law, would revolutionize higher education in this country.”

Sen. Sanders also said that, “Secretary Clinton has also publicly committed to massive investments in health care for communities across this country that will increase primary care, including mental health care, dental care, and low-cost prescription drug access for an additional 25 million people. Importantly, she has also endorsed the enactment of a so-called public option to allow everyone in this country to participate in a public insurance program. This idea was killed by the insurance industry during consideration of President Obama’s health care program.”

Sen. Sanders also touted Democratic Party platforms changes that he supports including a $15 an hour minimum wage.


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Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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