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Reaction to Dallas Shootings

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Thursday, July 7, five police officers were murdered and another 7 wounded while providing security for a Black Lives Matter organized protest against alleged police misconduct in Baton Rouge and Minnesota. The shooter, Micah X Johnson was a member of the New Black Panther Party and an Afghanistan War veteran.

Alabama government leaders responded to the tragic loss of life in Dallas.

Alabama Governor Robert Bentley (R) said, “Alabamians are strong in love and in faith. As the people of our state have done on so many occasions, let us join our hearts together to pray for those who are hurting across our great nation. There are a number of local and state officials from our state traveling overseas on an economic development mission now. Team Alabama has watched the tragic events of this week and last night unfold with great sadness and with heavy hearts for our country, and for the men and women in law enforcement who put their lives on the line for us everyday. I ask all Alabamians to pray for peace, to pray for justice and pray for the good in humanity to rise in our great nation.”

Alabama State Attorney General Luther Strange (R) said, “I know our nation will come together after the tragedies of the past few days. We are stronger when our communities and law enforcement work together, than when we are divided. Everyone should be afforded the same rights of safety and security and law enforcement work every day to protect us from harm. As Attorney General of Alabama, I am proud to stand behind law enforcement.”

State Representative David Standridge (R-Hayden) said, “As a former Law Enforcement Officer, I have a heavy heart today for the Officers and their families in Dallas. We can not let the actions of a few diminish our support for our Law Enforcement across this country. These Officers stand between us and a lawless society. They need our support! As we mourn for the Officers that were victims for no other reason than wearing the uniform, let us lift up all Law Enforcement with our support and prayers.”

State Representative Tim Wadsworth (R-Arley) wrote, “About seven years ago, when President Obama was elected President, race relations were good (not great) but were improving. Over last several years the ability to communicate has deteriorated. There was a quote in the movie that I remember from “Remember the Titans” – “ATTITUDE REFLECTS LEADERSHIP CAPTAIN”. Change in Leadership is a MUST this ELECTION CYCLE. People should step back and think about their actions and Remember how this school in Virginia worked together. Rep Tim Wadsworth.”

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The Rainbow City community organized a prayer meeting to pray for first responders and the country after the shootings in Dallas.

State Representative Mack Butler said afterwards, “Thank you everyone for showing up tonight to pray a Hedge of Protection around our First Responders, for our Nation and for all the families that are hurting tonight. May our God truly Heal Our Land.” “If our nation spent more time in prayer and praying for each other it would truly “Make America Great Again.””

The attack hit close to home for one Jefferson County Circuit Court Judge.

Judge Dorothea Batiste (R) wrote on social media: “When I walked into my living room and saw the reports that Dallas Police Officers were shot and some were killed, I stood still in a state of denial. Finally, when I accepted it to be true, I cried in a state of panic and fear. You see, my sweet baby brother is a Dallas Police Officer.”

Judge Batiste wrote, “Once I calmed down, I prayed to my Lord asking that he was kept safe and okay. I dialed his number but no answer. Then I texted him and wrote, “are you okay?” I waited for what seemed like forever and then I saw the words, “I’m okay. Just can’t talk right now.””

Batiste said, “Folks, this country called America is blessed with one of the few things other countries get; and that is freedom of choice. We can choose to become anything from astronauts to street sweepers. We all have value; we all are unique; and we all are beautiful and irreplaceable. We just celebrated the birth of this great nation a few days ago and now commence it with the deaths of our people, Americans. And we should not continue to allow this thing called hate to continue to be a blemish upon this great nation.”

Batiste concluded, “I pray that today we all take a look at ourselves, exercise our freedom of choice and find ways to do what we can to stop the hate. Please say a prayer for my baby brother, our fallen Americans and all the family members.”

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Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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