By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Sunday, July 10, Breitbart’s Aaron Klein is reporting that New Black Panther Party leader, Babu Omowale has announced that Alabama is among five states being targeted for a Black takeover by the group.
Klein is reporting that Omowale when asked what his end game is replied:
“The end game is land ownership. The endgame is our own government in a nation within a nation. Okay. So we claim the states of Louisiana, we claim the states of Mississippi, we claim the states of South Carolina, we claim the states of Alabama, and we claim the states of Georgia.”
Mr. Omawale continued, “We just need to start migrating back to those states and taking control of the economics in those states. If black people move in, most definitely white people will move out. So it’s not a hard process for us to have our own country within a country.”
Omowale continued: “There is no way that we can totally separate ourselves in the United States of America and we are aware of that. We know that we are owed land, we are owed monies, we are owed restitutions and we are owed reparations. That’s going to be a continuing process. What we are saying right now is we want to control the economics in our community. We want to control the black dollars. The money that goes in, the money that goes out.”
Omowale told Klein, “We want to control the politics in our community. If a politician is not bringing anything to the table for the betterment of that community, we are not going to vote for these particular people. And we most definitely want to control the education. What our people are learning in what we call the public fool system, not school system, where they are teaching and misrepresenting the true history of the black man here in the United States.”
Omowale is the National Minister of Defense for the New Black Panther Party.
Omowale was speaking in an interview on Klein’s radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and News Talk 990 AM in Philadelphia.
The shooter in the Dallas terror attack that killed five police officers, Micah Xavier Johnson, was reportedly a member of the group.
Omowale, who also runs the Huey P Newton Gun Club, acknowledges knowing Johnson. In a interview with Reuters, Omowale said that Johnson had been “very compassionate about his people. It hurt him and broke his heart every day to read on social media about his people being killed by police.”
Omowale said that the Panthers do not condone Johnson’s actions but understands it. “This didn’t happen because a man wanted to go out to kill some people. The judicial system in America is corrupt.”
The day of the slayings, the Panthers group wrote on its Facebook page, “Y’all still think this is a game? We dying by the hands of these Pigs!!!! Wake up Peoples we’re at war!!!!”
That night Johnson launched his attack on police who were providing security for a Black Lives Matter demonstration protesting police killings of Black suspects earlier in the week in Louisiana and Minnesota. After a lengthy running gun battle with police, the Dallas police used a bomb detonating robot to kill Johnson with an explosive device.
Johnson is an Afghan War veteran who was reportedly discharged two years ago after allegations of sexual harassment including stealing women soldier’s underwear.