By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Tuesday, July 5, both the Alabama Democratic Party and the Alabama Republican Party issued statements on the FBI report that was highly critical of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; but determined that she did nothing that she could be prosecuted for.
Alabama Democratic Party Chair Nancy Worley stated, “Secretary Clinton has once again withstood a grueling, thorough investigation and has demonstrated her integrity, honesty, and excellent qualifications to be President of the United States.”
Alabama Republican Party Chair Terry Lathan disagreed. Chairman Lathan said, “Today we heard directly from FBI Director James Comey on the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server to send and receive classified emails. For months, Secretary Clinton said over and over she did not send any classified material through her private email sever. Today, we heard the real truth from the FBI. Not only did Mrs. Clinton expose our nation’s secrets on her personal email sever one time, she did it 110 times.”
ALADEM Chair Worley said, “No candidate has been questioned and investigated as much as Clinton, and she has passed every test with flying colors. In contrast, initial scrutiny of Donald Trump has shown a pattern of questionable behavior.”
ALGOP Chair Lathan said, “The only logical conclusion is Hillary Clinton is not qualified to be our president. Her consistent pattern of lies on this topic alone is a betrayal to our country’s trust. At a minimum, it is pure incompetence. If Hillary Clinton can not be trusted with emails, how can we believe she can safely lead our nation? America can stop this on November 8.”
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said, “The FBI’s findings are a glaring indictment of Hillary Clinton’s complete lack of judgment, honesty, and preparedness to be our next commander-in-chief, and they confirm what we’ve long known: Hillary Clinton has spent the last 16 months looking into cameras deliberately lying to the American people.”
Nancy Worley, Chairwoman of the Alabama Democratic Party, is a retired educator and is the first female chair of the state Democratic Party. Worley is a past two-term President of the Alabama Education Association (AEA) and is a former Alabama Secretary of State.
Terry Lathan was elected Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party in 2015. Lathan is a former teacher and former Chair of the Mobile County Republican Party. Lathan is the second Republican woman elected as ALGOP Chair (current Public Service Commission President Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh being the first).
Following Tuesday’s announcement it appears almost certain that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic Party’s Presidential nominee and that New York City businessman and reality TV star Donald Trump will be the Republican Party’s nominee.