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Hooper Says Clinton Would Remove Our Rights

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Trump Montgomery River Region Chair and former State Representative, Perry Hooper Jr, claimed that America’s freedoms are under attack from both, “Radical Islamic terrorists from abroad and those who would remove our rights like Hillary Clinton.”

Chairman Hooper said when asked about the recent surge in terrorist’s attacks: “As we gather with friends and family over this holiday weekend we must take time to remember what our founding fathers gave generations of Americans; Our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. Our freedoms are not the issue terrorists are. Every generation has had their fight to protect these basic tenants of our Republic. We are facing our fight in both in the form of Radical Islamic Terrorist from abroad and those who would remove our rights like Hillary Clinton in order to promote their personal agendas.”

Trump River Region Chairman Hooper stressed the importance of individual liberties: “Make no bones about it the 13 original colonies demanded the Bill of Rights. The constitution would not have been ratified without them. It was protection against tyranny as we knew it then and now. It was our inalienable rights as Americans and yes it was protection from what government could become. Our President our Congress and our Courts cannot infringe on our rights of free speech, freedom of the press, right of peaceful assembly and yes the right to bear arms.”

Chairman Hooper warned, “We face as grave a threat today as this country has ever faced. Islamist terrorists kill randomly with guns bombs and even airplanes. Yet many Obama/Clinton supporters tell us our constitution and our very way of life is why so many innocent people are being slaughtered. Their solution: take away our rights. Don’t exercise our free speech because it might offend a suicide bomber. Guns are only for their bodyguards not the god fearing everyday citizen. Today we have a worldwide terrorist problem. Terrorists attacks happen so frequently that unless it happens within our borders or kill dozens the attacks don’t even make the news. Our freedoms are also being attacked daily by unelected federal judges, bureaucrats and other liberal interest groups who believe they know what is best for us.”

Former State legislator Hooper concluded, “Donald Trump is the only choice to reverse the direction of our country. Hillary Clinton has promised that her nominees for Supreme Court and other federal judges will strip us of our rights. She is the epitome of what our great Senator Jeff Sessions refers to as an elitist. In her own words when the Clintons left the White House they were dead broke. So how did the Clintons amass millions of dollars? Doing the bidding of foreign governments and multinational corporations who could care less about everyday American citizens who Obama famously claimed “cling to their guns and religion.” Well Mr. President, I cling to my Guns and Religion and my question for you as an American why don’t you?”

Hooper has been very supportive of Donald Trump’s candidacy for President as well as supporting Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) as the Republican Vice Presidential pick. Hooper’s father, Perry Hooper Sr. (who recently passed away) was a former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court and played a critical role in the Republican Party’s rise to dominate the courts and politics in Alabama.

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Sen. Jeff Sessions is the Chairman of the Alabama delegation to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

Donald Trump won the Alabama Republican Primary by a large margin.

US Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) finished second both in Alabama and in the delegate count.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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