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Sessions Says After Brexit Vote: Now its America’s Turn

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Friday June 24, US Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) applauded voters in Great Britain for voting in a Thursday referendum to leave the troubled European Union (EU) and said that the American people will get to vote similarly against globalism when they vote in November.

Senator Sessions is one of presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump’s closest, earliest, highest profile, and most vocal supporters,

Sessions wrote in a lengthy column: “Just as in the UK, our November presidential election presents a stark contrast. The establishment forces, the global powers, are promoting their values and their interests. They want to erode borders, rapidly open America’s markets to foreign produced goods, while having little interest in advancing America’s ability to sell abroad. These forces have zero interest in better job opportunities and higher wages for our citizens.”

Sen. Sessions wrote, “The interests of powerful international corporations, media, special interests, and leftist international forces are not coterminous with those of our people. This we must understand. The ultimate interest that our government is legally and morally bound to serve is that of our people.”

The conservative Alabama Senator wrote, “Great Britain’s rejection of it must serve as a wake-up call for all of us in America. I applaud yesterday’s strong and patriotic action taken by America’s special friend, retaking its independence.”

Sen. Sessions warned, “Millions upon millions of dollars from around the globe are being spent to get America to agree to the massive, twelve-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership. While sold as a trade deal, in reality, the TPP is a Trojan Horse for yet another sovereignty-eroding global pact. If implemented, it would create a new governing body that would exercise power and make decisions that the United States Congress would be effectively powerless to block. Like the EU, each nation gets one vote. Brunei and Vietnam get one vote as does the President of the United States.”

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Sessions also attacked Democratic presumptive nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: “We must remember that the European Union began as a seemingly benign economic agreement, and we must not forget, that as Secretary of State, with negotiating responsibility for the TPP, Hillary Clinton promoted it and called it the ‘gold standard’ for a trade deal. That should give us all pause. This sovereignty eroding trade deal is in perfect accord with her globalist agenda.”

Sen. Sessions concluded, “I believe the American people too will choose independence this November.”

According to original reporting by CNBC’s Everett Rosenfeld, Donald Trump said that he, “Loves it when people take their country back.”

Trump while visiting Scotland predicted that more countries would follow Great Britain’s lead: “You’re going to have many other cases where they want to take their borders back, they want to take their monetary back, they want to take a lot of things back — they want to be able to have a country again. So I think you’re going to have this happen more and more, and I really believe that, and I think it’s happening in the United States,”

Sessions was the first US Senator to endorse Trump and had appeared at a packed rally in Mobile with the New York City billionaire in the summer of 2015. Sessions is the Chairman of the Alabama Delegation to the Republican Convention in Cleveland. Trump is expected to be easily nominated as the Republican Party’s presidential candidate. All sixteen of his GOP primary opponents have suspended their campaigns.


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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