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President Obama’s Executive Amnesty Remains Blocked After Split Supreme Court Ruling

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Thursday, June 23, 2016, the US Supreme Court’s announced a 4 to 4 decision in United States v. Texas. The case dealt with a Texas lawsuit seeking to block President Obama’s executive amnesty opinion. Since the Supreme Court was unable to reach a decision then the lower court ruling remains in effect. That ruling blocked the President’s plan to issue amnesty and green cards to persons illegally in the United States by executive fiat without obtaining the consent of the Congress.

US Senator Jeff Sessions (R from Alabama) said, “Today’s decision in United States v. Texas is not just a victory for Texas, Alabama, and a majority of the States in this great nation who challenged the lawless actions of the Obama Administration, but a victory for the American people and for the rule of law.”

US Senator Richard Shelby (R from Alabama) said in a statement, “Today’s Supreme Court decision, which effectively blocks President Obama’s immigration executive actions, is a victory for our system of checks and balances. Time and again, the Obama Administration has attempted to circumvent Congress and push its agenda on the American people through executive fiat. While I am pleased that the Supreme Court has halted this unprecedented power grab for now, today’s decision underscores the importance of electing a president in November who will put a conservative on the Court to defend our Constitution.”

Congressman Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) said, “Today the Supreme Court effectively blocked President Obama’s unilateral executive action to grant amnesty to illegal aliens. While this is a huge victory in protecting jobs and wages for already struggling American families, the lawsuit itself is about the rule of law, the abuse of presidential power, and defending the US Constitution.”

Congressman Bradley Byrne (R-Montrose) said, “Once again, the Obama Administration has suffered defeat due to their failure to follow the Constitution and the laws of our country. This decision is a major victory for the rule of law and our opposition to illegal executive amnesty. Instead of continuing to encourage amnesty, the executive branch should enforce the immigration laws already on the books and finally secure our borders.”

Senator Sessions said, “Not only did the Obama Administration direct the officers and agents of the Department of Homeland Security not to follow plain law, it further decreed that those who came illegally and had children in the United States would be allowed to stay in the United States, be granted work permits, and be provided access to certain federal benefits. No wonder US Immigration and Customs Enforcement has the lowest morale of any federal agency.”

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Sessions continued, “Thankfully, over a year ago, Judge Andrew Hanen in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas issued an injunction that stopped the Obama Administration from proceeding with its lawless immigration system. The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit upheld Judge Hanen’s injunction, and today’s decision confirms that the Obama Administration’s lawless plans still may not proceed. But this fight is far from over. The case now will be sent back for additional litigation on the merits of the case, and the ultimate outcome remains uncertain. What is clear, as highlighted by the egregious unethical conduct by the Department of Justice lawyers, in this case, is that this Administration will stop at nothing to forge ahead with its lawless plans – which arguably have already caused substantial damage to the integrity of our immigration system.”

Sen. Sessions added, “The message that the Obama Administration has broadcast to the world is that ‘if you can get here, you can stay here.’ According to official statistics from US Customs and Border Protection, the number of so-called ‘family units’ apprehended at the southern border has already exceeded the number that were apprehended in all of FY 2015 – approximately 12 percent more so-called ‘family units’ apprehended through May of this year than were apprehended during all of last year. And total apprehensions of all aliens appear to be on the rise.”

Sessions said, “The extent to which the Administration directed its officers not to enforce plain law is one of the most brazen acts of legal disobedience in the history of America. Could the next President refuse to enforce tax laws he or she does not like? Why are our immigration laws any different? This Administration’s lawless actions fly in the face of the will of the American people. And yet, despite having the most radical immigration policies in our nation’s history, Hillary Clinton has promised to go even further than President Obama if she becomes President – promising to deport only violent felons and terrorists. Moreover, if she gains the ability to appoint a new Justice to the Supreme Court, the outcome of a challenge to a similar executive amnesty could come out the other way.”

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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