By Joey Kennedy
Alabama Political Reporter
Looks like we’ll have another President Clinton. This time, Hillary. She’s the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, and there’s no way Republican Donald Trump can beat her. There just isn’t.
The way U.S. demographics are today, it’d be difficult for any Republican to beat the Democratic nominee. Trump, though, makes the race even easier because he’s alienated so many groups: Hispanics, women, the LGBTQ community, African-Americans.
Trump’s hateful rhetoric throughout his campaign appeals mainly to one group: Angry White Men, and there aren’t enough of them to get The Donald elected. Oh, they’re loud, but that’s about all.
And thank goodness. Can you imagine a Trump presidency? When his critics accuse him of not having the right temperament to be president, they are absolutely correct.
Trump’s motto – Make America Great Again – is off kilter as well. America is a pretty good country right now. We’ve got our problems, but I’m proud to be an American in this America. But even if I thought we were a crappy nation, Trump couldn’t make it great. He doesn’t have it in him.
Trump couldn’t even make a decent reality television show. And we’ve seen how he runs business. From Trump University to the casinos, there’s been little but failure.
Republicans brought this on themselves, though. Their divisive rhetoric and leadership over the past years, but especially during the successful presidency of Barack Obama, allowed a bully like Trump to rise to the top of their dysfunctional, and now crippled, party.
This is, indeed, a Republican meltdown, and the elephant can’t stay in the room.
The Koch brothers, through their use of dark money, created a monster they can’t even control. While they’re not Trump fans by any means, they helped create him.
The mean spirit of today’s Republican party is an embarrassment to the nation. As the demographics of the country continue to shift, Republicans will see themselves losing more local races as well.
While Clinton might not be my first choice, she’s highly experienced and will be a good president. And she’s a woman. How appropriate that our first woman president follows our first African-American president.
The white guys have lost the big prize, and that’s OK with me. I liked the idea of a black president, and I like the idea of a woman president.
Bill Clinton will no doubt be a good First Man.
What Democrats need to see now is Sen. Bernie Sanders joining Clinton’s team. He ran a great race, but it’s over. He knows it.
Those Democrats who are sore that Bernie didn’t win need to get over it. If they stay home and don’t vote, it’s a vote for Trump. Even if that happens, Trump still loses.
Republicans simply cannot win a national election with the ideas they put forward and the candidates they’ve been selecting. And they can’t win this Trump card.
Joey Kennedy, a Pulitzer Prize winner, writes a column every week for Alabama Political Reporter. Email: