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Washington Gets Trump Almost to 1200 Delegates

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Tuesday, May 24 Republican voters in Washington state went to the polls and gave Donald Trump 27 more delegates in his bid to win the Republican nomination. Trump now has 1196 delegates and is certain to pick up many more than the 41 that he needs to secure the Republican nomination when the last states (New Mexico, California, South Dakota, New Jersey, and Montana all vote on June 7.

On Tuesday night, Trump was campaigning in New Mexico where anti-Trump protestors clashed violently with police.

The 69 year-old billionaire businessman and reality TV star is the last Republican standing in a field of candidates that once had 17.

Meanwhile on the Democratic side, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I from Vermont) is vowing to take former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton all the way to the Democratic Convention. According to the Associated Press Sec. Clinton only needs 96 more delegates to clinch the nomination; but that number includes hundreds of super delegates who are not bound. Sanders is urging the super delegates to switch their allegiance particularly those in states that went strong for Sanders.

The presumptive Republican nominee has been surging in the polls. In the last five major national polls taken Trump has won 3 to Sec. Clinton’s 2. The Real Clear Politics rolling average has the race virtually tied with Trump barely edging out Clinton 43.4 percent for Trump to 43.2 percent for Mrs. Clinton. This is the first point that Trump has led Clinton in the RCP polling average. Many Democrats are urging Sanders to get out of the race to allow Sec. Clinton to focus all of her energy on Mr. Trump, who has already pivoted to the general election.

On Friday, Trump’s Alabama campaign co-Chairman Perry O Hooper Jr. said in a statement, “There is much work to do for all of us who care about the future of America. Hillary Clinton is going to be the Democratic nominee for president. If elected, she promises to continue Obama’s disastrous policies that have already done so much harm to the U.S. economy. She will instigate trade deals that will give away U.S. sovereignty and jobs, while getting nothing of value in return. What remains of the great American Middle class will disintegrate under the misguided policies that promise equality but does so by bringing everyone down. She will continue Obama’s apology tour cowering before our enemies abroad encouraging them to continue to treat America with utter disdain and disregard.”

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Hooper said, “It should be a “no brainer” to any conservative or independent or anyone with any common sense and minimal intelligence that Hillary Rodham Clinton will be an absolute disaster for this country and especially for the highest court in the land. She must be stopped. Vote Trump Make America Great Again!”

(Original reporting by Fox News, the Associated Press and Real Clear Politics contributed to this report.)

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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