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Sessions As Trump’s Vice Presidential Pick?

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

US Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) has been making the talk show circuit defending Donald Trump. Sen. Sessions was the first member of the Senate to endorse Trump and he made waves last year when he appeared with Trump at a Mobile rally attended by an estimated 30,000 people. Sessions’ endorsement helped deliver Dixie to the Trump campaign and left him with an enormous delegate lead that was never really challenged by any of the other candidates. Rivals, Sen. Ted Cruz and Sen. Marco Rubio, have both expressed desires not to considered for Vice President, as has Speaker Paul Ryan. Why not offer an olive branch to the conservative wing of the party, by nominating the most conservative Senator in the Senate for vice president?

A triumphant Sessions was at a special called meeting of the Alabama Republican Executive Committee on Saturday, May 21 in Trussville. The popular Senator Sessions is leading the Alabama Delegation to the Republican Convention in Cleveland.

Trump Campaign for Alabama Co-Chairman, former State Representative Perry Hooper Jr. said in a statement, “Senator Sessions is the best US Senator in the Nation! I know he would be the best Vice President ever.”

Rep. Hooper said, “We elected all Trump and Cruz Alternate Delegates yesterday. Senator Sessions was our Guest Speaker. He reiterated the importance of electing Trump. (1) The US Supreme Court Appointments. (2) Trump unlike Obama, would sign the legislation to repeal Obamacare (3) Trump will strengthen our Military (4) Trump would sign meaningful Immigration Reform ( 5)Trump will cut Regulations and reduce the tax burden in Business! (6) Trump will Make AMERICA Great Again.”

On Sunday, Senator Sessions was back at work for Trump on the Fox News. Sessions said Trump, “wants to establish that his goal for the Supreme Court is a professional, thoughtful jurist who believe in the classical role of a judge as a neutral umpire, not as an advocate for various social policies that they may favor, and I think this was a great decision.”

Sen. Session said that Trump, “Certainly has confirmed their belief that he will nominate good judges because these are really fine list, all of them are accomplished, good scholarly backgrounds, proven records. I think that was — it did reassure some people that were attacking and saying he would not nominate conservative judges.”

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Sessions said. “It was part of the themes in the campaign that Donald Trump would nominate liberal judges. I think he has demolished that argument.”

Rep. Hooper said, “Perhaps the most important task the next president will face is making as many as four critical appointments to the Supreme Court that will be responsible for setting precedents for generations to come. As President Hillary Rodham Clinton will appoint radicals who will cripple the Bill of Rights, take away state’s rights, and strip Congress of even more power. Issues like the sanctity of innocent human life, constitutional protections for religious liberty, Second Amendment rights, and limits on the unelected federal bureaucracy hang in the balance. Commenting on Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court she indicated that he was way too conservative for her beliefs. While not naming individuals for fear of tipping her liberal bias, she did state that if she were in the Oval Office “she would search for nominees in the mold of Justice Sonia Sotomayor”, who in her relatively short time on the court has shown her complete disregard of individual and state’s rights siding on every occasion with the liberals that preceded her on the court.”

Hooper said that, “Unlike Clinton, Donald Trump has taken the bold step to name names. He has released a list of 11 well respected conservative jurists lead by Alabama’s own Bill Pryor. “This list was compiled, first and foremost, based on constitutional principles, with input from highly respected conservatives and Republican party leadership,” Trump’s campaign said. Everyone on this list is a liberal’s worst nightmare. The Clinton campaign immediately blasted the list stating that “Judges on this list oppose abortion on demand, gay marriage, gun control and Obamacare. These Judges have ruled in favor of voter ID and deporting illegal immigrates. These Judges would undermine years of progressive reforms.” Trump could not have asked for a better endorsement of his list.”

Senator Jeff Sessions was a US Attorney for Alabama’s Southern District during the Reagan Administration. He later served as Alabama Republican Party Chairman and was Alabama’s Attorney General when elected to the US Senate to replace the retiring US Sen. Howell Heflin (D) in 1996.


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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