By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Thursday, May 18, prominent conservative activists and Trump for President supporter, Deanna Frankowski said that she is excited by the announcement that former Alabama Attorney General Bill Pryor could be Donald Trump’s selection for the United States Supreme Court.
Deanna Frankowski told the Alabama Political Reporter, “The selection of the Honorable William Holcomb Pryor, Jr. as a possible candidate for a Supreme Court Justice by Donald J. Trump is very exciting for Alabamians! We believe that Judge Pryor is a perfect fit to fulfill the wishes of Conservatives in Alabama and throughout the country as his core values and beliefs fall in line with Conservative values and beliefs. Mr. Trump had previously mentioned Judge Pryor and we are excited that Mr. Trump has continued to believe that Judge Pryor is a great fit for the Supreme Court. We look forward to seeing Judge Pryor on the Supreme Court.”
Former Representative Perry O. Hooper Jr said, This is the Presidential Issue!! Do you want Hillary or Trump to appoint the US Supreme Court Justices? It’s a No Brainer! TRUMP 2016.”
Hooper wrote, “It’s Time for All Republicans, All Conservatives and All Independents to be “ALL IN” For TRUMP!! He Will Grow our Economy! He Will Repeal Obama Care! He will Get Congress to pass Meaningful Immigration Reform! He will help our Veterans!! He will build up our Military. He will destroy ISIS! These are strong reasons why you should support and vote for TRUMP. One other very important question you need to ask your self, do you want Hillary or TRUMP to appoint the three U.S. Supreme Court Justices? That should be a No – Brainer!! TRUMP 2016! ALL IN To Make AMERICA Great Again!!!”
William H. “Bill” Pryor, Jr. of Alabama is currently a judge of the US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. He was appointed to the court in 2004, by then President George W. Bush (R). Judge Pryor became the Alabama Attorney General in 1997 when Alabama Attorney General Jeff Sessions (R) was elected to the U.S. Senate to replace the retiring Sen. Howell Heflin (D). Judge Pryor was then elected in his own right in 1998 and reelected in 2002. In 2013, Judge Pryor was confirmed to a term on the United States Sentencing Commission. Judge Pryor received his law degree from Tulane, and he clerked for Judge John Minor Wisdom of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.
Deanna Frankowski is running as an alternate Trump delegate in the Alabama Republican Party State convention on Saturday.