By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Thursday, May 12, a Federal District Judge ruled in House v. Burwell, that the Obama administration unlawfully funded parts of Obamacare without an appropriation from Congress. US Representative Bradley Byrne (R-Montrose) applauded the decision.
Representative Byrne wrote, “A major victory for House Republicans today in our effort to stand up against the Obama Administration’s executive overreach. A Federal judge ruled that the Obama Administration overstepped their authority by handing out certain funds to insurance companies without Congressional approval. While this may seem like a small issue, it is an important step in reasserting Congressional authority.”
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) also issued a statement after the ruling. Speaker Ryan said, “This is an historic win for the Constitution and the American people. The court ruled that the administration overreached by spending taxpayer money without approval from the people’s representatives. Here, the Executive Branch is being held accountable to, We the People, and that’s why this decision is very good news.”
Speaker Ryan said, “Time and again, this White House has gone too far. So we took up this fight to defend Article I of the Constitution. The fact is this: President’s don’t write laws. Congress does.”
Ryan said, “We The People cannot accept an Executive Branch that acts outside the consent of the governed.”
On July 30, 2014, at Speaker Boehner’s (R-Ohio) urging, the House passes H. Res. 676, authorizing litigation against the Obama administration.
On November 21, 2014, the House filed litigation against the administration regarding unilateral actions under Obamacare.
On May 28, 2015, the court heard oral arguments in the case.
On September 9, 2015, the court ruled that the House has standing in the case, allowing the case to proceed.
On October 19, 2015, the court denied the Obama administration’s request to appeal directly to the Circuit Court of Appeals.
Now that the Court has ruled, the Obama administration is expected to appeal.
Congressman Bradley Byrne represents Alabama’s First Congressional District.