By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Wednesday, May 11, the Alabama Republican Assembly responded to the charges of judicial ethics violations made by the Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission against Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore. The conservative group announced that they were firmly behind Chief Justice Moore and demanded that the charges against Judge Moore be dropped.
The President of the Assembly, Jennifer Montrose said in a statement, “Chief Justice Moore was elected by the people of this State for his solid, consistent conservative values and morals. At a time when many of our elected officials are failing morally, ethically, and otherwise, Judge Roy Moore has stood strong for the traditional values that made America great. The Alabama Republican Assembly stands firmly in support of Judge Moore and asks the Court of the Judiciary to drop these politically motivated charges immediately.”
The Republican Assembly calls itself the “Reagan wing” of the Republican Party, the Republican Assembly supports the right to keep and bear arms, lower taxes through less government, the right to life, and a strong national defense.
Chief Justice Roy Moore asserts that the JIC has exceeded its authority: “The Judicial Inquiry Commission has no authority over the Administrative Orders of the Chief Justice of Alabama or the legal injunction of the Alabama Supreme Court prohibiting probate judges from issuing same-sex marriage licenses. The JIC has chosen to listen to people like Ambrosia Starling, a professed transvestite, and other gay, lesbian and bisexual individuals, as well as organizations which support their agenda. We intend to fight this agenda vigorously and expect to prevail.”
Chief Justice Moore said, “We intend to fight this agenda vigorously and expect to prevail.”
The Chief Justice is reportedly presently suspended with pay. Lyn Stuart (R) is acting in Judge Moore’s place while he is on suspension.
The Foundation for Moral Law’s Senior Counsel John Eidsmore said in a statement, “In reality, the charges stem from the fact that the Chief Justice holds a philosophy of constitutional law that differs from that of many of his critics. From the days of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the relationship of the states to the federal government, and especially that of State courts to federal courts, has been sharply debated. That debate should continue. Many throughout the nation, and especially in Alabama, believe the states should have a greater voice in the federal/state relationship than is currently afforded them. That’s why the people of Alabama have twice elected Roy Moore to be their Chief Justice. It is regrettable that the advocates of federal supremacy want to silence their opponents by removing them from office, effectively nullifying the voice of the people.”
The appointed Judicial Inquiry Commission (JIC) includes: Chairman Billy Bedsole, Judge Randall Cole, Judge David Kimberley, Mr. David Scott, Judge Craig Pittman, Dr. David Thrasher, Judge Kim Cheney, Mr. Ralph Malone, Ms. Augusta Dowd, Ms. Jenny Garrett, and Ms. Rosa Davis.
The popularly elected Chief Justice from Gallant Alabama was previously removed on JIC charges that he acted unethically when he refused to honor a demand by a lower federal court that he remove a Ten Commandments monument from the Alabama Supreme Court building. Despite the previous removal, the people of Alabama voted to send Judge Moore back to Montgomery to head the state court system.
Chief Justice Moore has been highly critical of the recent effort by judicial activists in the federal judiciary to force same sex marriage on the people of Alabama, despite it being a violation of the Alabama Constitution.