By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Reaction to the news that the Judicial Inquiry Commission (JIC) charges against Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore (R) continue to flood in. No one has been more outspoken in his defense of Moore than State Representative Will Ainsworth (R-Guntersville) who says that he is asking God to shield the Chief Justice and his family from harm.
Rep. Ainsworth said in a statement on Chief Justice Roy Moore’s suspension from office: “I support Chief Justice Roy Moore and his brave and principled stand for Alabama values, Christian morals, and fundamental Constitutional precepts.”
Ainsworth said that, “True marriage is not a civil union, it is a religious covenant among a man, a woman, and God, and the First Amendment to our US Constitution forbids the federal government from meddling in religion.”
Rep. Ainsworth said, “The Southern Poverty Law Center and its liberal allies want to purge godly men like Roy Moore from government so they can continue forcing their immoral and dangerous beliefs onto society. As the father of small children, I’ll fight the SPLC’s efforts to remove God, religion, and morals from public policy, debate, and discussion.”
Rep. Ainsworth concluded, “I will be praying for Chief Justice Moore and his family as he faces this attack and invite all Alabamians to join me in asking God to shield them from harm.”
Chief Justice Moore’s wife, Kayla Moore, said, “Constitutional liberty now has just one lone judicial defender in America. If Judge Moore goes down, the last vestige of true freedom will go down with him. We truly will no longer be citizens but serfs, abjectly submissive to our judicial overlords. Judge and I would like to say ‘Thank You’ for the outpouring of support from ALL of you, from the bottom of our hearts! While I keep you posted on all I can and get on to those in office that don’t do what we the people elected them to do there are MANY who do and they deserve your thanks! Several elected officials have come forward in support. We thank them also-posting them soon…”
One Chief Justice Moore supporter has even started a petition asking that Gov. Robert Bentley (R) recall the members of the JIC that brought these charges against Chief Justice Moore: “The JIC should be eliminated as they are a tool of the ACLU and SPLC to continue control judges to rule and accept unjust and unconstitutional law! Our judges are elected by the people and should be left up to the people if they want them removed!”
Chief Justice Roy Moore has thirty days to respond to the charges.