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Senate Health Committee Gives Favorable Report to Abortion Bill

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

On Wednesday, April 20, the Senate Health Committee voted to give a favorable report to SB363, the Alabama Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act, which was sponsored by state Senator Phil Williams (R-Rainbow City).

Dismemberment abortions involve introducing a sharp instrument into the womb to grasp and pull the unborn child out, piece by piece. The child is cut up alive during this process and dies of bleeding out during the dismemberment process. SB363 would ban the practice in Alabama. The State’s abortion providers would be forced to use more human methods to terminate the preborn.

The Senate Health committee held a public hearing on Wednesday then voted was overwhelmingly in favor 9 to 1.

Alabama’s representative on the National Right to Life Committee Cheryl Ciamarra said in a statement, “Thanks to Sen. Gerald Dial (R) committee chairman and Sen. Greg Reed (R) committee Co chairman for allowing a vote today as there are only 6 legislative days left this year in the legislative session. The surprise vote was Sen. Linda Coleman (D) who generally opposes the majority of pro-life legislation. As a Catholic she on numerous occasions has expressed a respect for the dignity of human life. Today she demonstrated that there are common sense limits to maintain a civilized society.”

Ciamarra commended Sen. Phil Williams for attending the House Health Committee meeting to support Rep. Mack Butler (R) who is carrying the house companion bill (HB376) which also had a public hearing. .

Ciamarra said, “Senator Williams made an appeal to the House Health committee to meet and pass this important legislation as soon as a quorum can be obtained.” “Alabama is in a race with Louisiana as they passed the same legislation today as well out of their house health committee, which is expected to quickly move to the full chamber for a vote.”

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Kansas, Oklahoma, West Virginia, and Mississippi have already passed dismemberment abortion bans.

Last week the House Health committee approved a bill by state Representative Ed Henry (R-Hartselle), HB300, that would define a person under Alabama law as beginning at conception thus entitling the preborn child to the same rights and protection that born children receive.

The Pro-Life group, Personhood Alabama said in a statement, “HB300 would: “Propos[e] an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, providing that the term “persons” as used in the Code of Alabama 1975, shall include all humans from the moment of fertilization.” Upon passage, such an amendment would go on the November ballot.”

Pro-Life forces are asking that the leadership move quickly on Pro-Life legislation.

Pro-Life Alabama is urging concerned citizens to contact House Rules Committee Chairman Mac McCutcheon (R-Capshaw) and Speaker Mike Hubbard (R-Auburn) to ask that pro-life bills be placed on the Special Order calendar for a vote by the full House of Representatives.


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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