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Foundation for Moral Law Condemns Georgia Governor’s Veto of Religious Freedom Bill

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

On Monday, March 28, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal (R) vetoed Georgia House Bill 757.

The Montgomery based Foundation for Moral Law condemned the decision by Gov. Deal. Deal was pressured to veto the bill by many members of the corporate community including Coke, Disney, and the NFL.

Foundation President Kayla Moore said in a statement, “It is bad enough that these corporations have put their weight behind same-sex marriage. But when Georgia’s governor caves to the radical gay agenda by vetoing a bill that does nothing more than protect the religious freedom of those who have sincere religious objections to same-sex marriage, we must ask whose interests he truly represents: the people of Georgia or those of the corporations who showed themselves as enemies of religious freedom and traditional values.”

Foundation Legal Counsel Matthew Kidd urged the Georgia legislature to override the Governor’s veto and expressed confidence that HB757 would survive any constitutional challenge. Kidd said, “At its most essential core, the Constitution fully endorses the right of Americans to express their views and be free from compulsion to adopt the views of another.”

Evengelist Franklin Graham wrote, “Republican Governor Nathan Deal has sold out the state of Georgia. By vetoing the Free Exercise Protection Act this morning, he warmly welcomed the LGBT community and in effect told people of faith that they take second place. House Bill 757 would have protected pastors from having to perform same-sex marriages and would have protected churches from being forced to use their facilities for ceremonies against their religious beliefs. This conservative governor has caved in to pressure from the NFL and major corporations and is now a part of backing the LGBT agenda. This is a dark hour in Nathan Deal’s long political career. Let him know your disappointment and concern by writing him.”

Gov. Deal said, “HB 757 appeared in several forms during the 2016 legislative session. I had no objection to the ‘Pastor Protection Act’ that was passed by the House of Representatives. The other versions of the bill, however, contained language that could give rise to state-sanctioned discrimination. I did have problems with that and made my concerns known as did many other individuals and organizations, including some within the faith-based community.”

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Deal said, “Some of those in the religious community who support this bill have resorted to insults that question my moral convictions and my character. Some within the business community who oppose this bill have resorted to threats of withdrawing jobs from our state. I do not respond well to insults or threats. The people of Georgia deserve a leader who will made sound judgements based on solid reasons that are not inflamed by emotion. That is what I intend to do.” “As I’ve said before, I do not think we have to discriminate against anyone to protect the faith-based community in Georgia, of which my family and I have been a part of for all of our lives. My decision regarding HB757 is not just about protecting the faith-based community or providing a business friendly climate for job growth in Georgia. This is about the character of our state and the character of its people.”

The Foundation for Moral Law is an Alabama legal defense organization dedicated to the defense of constitutional rights and traditional values. Mrs. Moore is married to Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore (R), who has been outspoken in his belief that marriage between two people of the same gender is outside of both God’s natural law and the common law on which our legal system and culture are based.

Critics of Chief Justice Moore claim that he is biased against gay people.

Conservatives in the Georgia Legislature will now attempt to override Gov. Deal’s veto.


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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