By Bill Britt
Alabama Political Reporter
MONTGOMERY—Rep. Johnny Mack Morrow (D-Red Bay) has an House Resolution ready to go to the floor, calling for an investigation into Attorney General Luther Strange.
This is in response to a letter sent by thirty-seven lawmakers, asking the Obama Administration to investigate General Strange, in reference to his actions in the indictment of Speaker Mike Hubbard, who has been indicted on 23 felony counts of public corruption.
Morrow is challenging the House members who signed the letter to put up or shut up. Over the last several weeks, they have chosen to remain silent. Some have even gone so far as to claim they were duped.
Morrow says he is determined to give those who signed the letter every opportunity to back up their words with decisive action.
The Resolution reads: “WHEREAS, members of this body are concerned with reports of neglect, abuse, and wrongdoing in connection with the operations of the Office of the Attorney General; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA, that there is created the Alabama House of Representatives Committee to Investigate the Office of the Attorney General.”
In a letter to the Shoals delegation Morrow wrote, “The people of Alabama await your action and will judge you accordingly. Do you seek justice or are you a Mike Hubbard crony?”
The delegation is comprised Republican Representatives Phillip Pettus, Lynn Greer, Ken Johnson and Morrow.
This seems to be the question he is asking of all the lawmakers who signed the letter to the Obama Administration.
He, like others, believes this was a political ploy by Hubbard’s cronies to delay or even perhaps see Hubbard’s trial dismissed.
In February, Morrow reminded his colleagues they had sworn an oath to support the Constitution of the State of Alabama “…and faithfully and honestly discharge the duties” of their offices.”
Morrow say the lawmakers that signed the letter to Obama Justice Department should show the courage of their conviction, ands follow through on impeachment proceedings. “They said they wanted an investigation in the letter that they signed. The US Attorney has told them it is a State matter. They are state representatives. Now, I’m going to give them the steps they need to follow if they have the courage to do so,” Morrow said.
US Attorney for the Middle District of Alabama, George Beck, held a press conference in February, addressing the letter he received from lawmakers. The irony of predominantly white, majority Republican lawmakers, pleading with the Obama Administration to intervene in the Hubbard case, was not lost on the US Attorney:
“First issue is whether or not the misconduct of the State prosecutor has caused the illegal indictment of Speaker Hubbard. It is somewhat ironic that a largely white, largely Republican, largely conservative group of legislators, have reached out to the Obama Administration to bail out the leader of legal entanglements he finds himself in,” said Beck.
He was also clear that an investigation of General Strange, Deputy Attorney General Matt Hart, and the actions of attorney and radio host Baron Coleman, was a State issue, not a federal one.
Morrow continues to give those lawmakers who called on President Obama to save Hubbard, a chance to prove they meant what they said.
“They have been provided the procedures, and now they have the resolution,” said Morrow. “Now, it is time for acton, not empty word.”
The signers were:
Jack Williams (signed twice)
Barry Moore
Alan Baker
Howard Sanderford
Victor Gaston
Lynn Greer
Mike Hill
Paul W. Lee
Ken Johnson
Terri Collins
April Weaver
Ed Henry
Oliver Robinson
Juandalynn Givan
Jim Patterson
Becky Nordgren
John Knight
Alan Harper
David Sessions
K.L. Brown
Randy Wood
Mark Tuggle
Donnie Chesteen
Reed Ingram
Chris Sells
Paul Beckman
Dimitri Polizos
Mack Butler
Chris Pringle
Rod Scott
Pebbin Warren
Elaine Beech
Anthony Daniels
Thad McClammy
Ralph Howard
Phillip Pettus
Kerry Rich