By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Wednesday, March 9, members of GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s Alabama campaign held a press conference at the Alabama Statehouse denouncing efforts by GOP insiders to try to snatch the Republican presidential nomination from Trump’s populist campaign at a brokered GOP convention.
Former State Representative Perry Hooper Jr. (R) is the national spokesman for the group. He said, “This is an extremely important meeting and I want to thank these distinguished members of the Alabama legislature here. I want to thank you for all that you do to make Alabama and America great.” Hooper announced that they have formed a new national group called: “Let the People Speak” to rally the Republican Party’s grass roots base.
Hooper said, “The passion and enthusiasm for the Republican presidential process is at an all time.” Voter participation rates are close to 60 percent higher than they were four years ago in 2012. GOP voters are more excited, except for a very small powerful group that are trying to pick their own candidate.
Hooper said in a statement, “I met with Speaker Newt Gingrich yesterday. He is really concerned about Mitt Romney and his Secret Society, Establishment and big money Super PACs trying to influence the voter and buy there Presidential Nominee. He and I both feel that Mitt and his Powerful groups should stop doing this and listen to the vote of the people! All republicans, independents and Reagan democrats should be unified. Let the People Speak!”
Hooper said, “This group up here is the voice of the people.” Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell (GOP Senate Majority Leader from Kentucky) and a group of powerful Republican Party insiders met with liberal billionaires in St. Thomas on how to derail Donald Trump’s campaign. They spent $millions in Michigan and Mississippi. The people saw through their lies and the people prevailed. It is my honor to unveil a website. We are taking this as a national grassroots campaign. We believe in the freedom of letting the people pick their President rather than elitists in a smoke filled room trying to dictate their choice for President. The people are concerned, they are upset. “They are sick and tired of the establishment type people and the elitists trying to take away the vote of the people.”
State Representative Jim Carns (R-Vestavia) said, “It is great to be among friends.” This is an extremely important cause. Mitt Romney was a former presidential candidate that I supported four years ago. I thought he had it won; but he folded somewhere in the 8th inning. He let Obama off the hook in that third debate and then was missing in action for the final weeks of the campaign. “We do not want someone like that to come in and spoil this movement.” This is a movement. We are getting independent we are getting Democrats we are getting people who have not voted in 20 years to come to the polls to vote for Donald Trump.
Carns said I watched Donald Trump’s June 16th announcement and I thought the press would throw him away like yesterday’s news. On immigration he gave more than just lip service. He knocked down political correctness. He is saying what the people in the coffee shops are saying and that is why the people are supporting him.
State Rep. Ed Henry (R-Hartselle) said that Donald Trump is breaking the cycle of apathy. In Texas in 2012 1.5 million people voted in the Presidential Primary. 2.7 million voted in 2016. “People are becoming engaged for the very first time and that scares the establishment which is why people like Romney are getting so upset.”
Henry said, “As an evangelical I don’t need Donald trump to have the same relationship with Jesus Christ that I do.”
State Representative Barry Moore (R from Enterprise) said that we are living in an upside world where Americans got killed in Benghazi serving their country while powerful elitists are protecting the very individual, Hillary Clinton, that allowed that to happen.
State Representative Tim Wadsworth (R-Winston County) said that 60 percent of the people in Winston County that he represents voted for Donald Trump. 55 percent of the people that I represent in Walker County voted for Donald Trump. Their vote should not be taken away by a secret society.
State Representative Paul Beckman (R-Prattville) also spoke in favor of Trump. Beckman said in a statement, “I believe that Mr. Trump can lead us in these categories. These problems have been led by Politicians in Washington DC and the media. We the people of Alabama can make a difference for our future.
Rebecca Chambliss who is the Co-chairman of Americans for Justice said, “By self-funding his own campaign, Donald Trump is beholden to no one but the voters, and the control is being put back into the hands of the American citizens. Faced with this reality, Mitt Romney and his ‘secret society’ are on a mission to stop Donald Trump by buying a presidential nominee whom they know they can control, and quell the once-silent majority that has been ignited by the movement to make America great again.”
Trey Garner said that he was born after Ronald Reagan’s presidency but knows of him through stories from his parents and grandparents. Donald Trump is my generation’s Reagan.
To learn more about the group visit their website: