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Zeigler Addresses Pro-Life Rally

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

On Tuesday, February 22, Alabama Auditor Jim Zeigler (R) addressed Pro-Life forces gathered in Montgomery for Pro-Life Legislative Day.

Auditor Zeigler said, “Today in the United States, around 1,917 babies will be killed by abortion. We’re here today because we care about them. We are here today to “speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.” And, perhaps there is no time more critical to make our voice heard than NOW. The battle to protect the innocent unborn is a spiritual battle. In this vital year of 2016, one key part of that battle has to be political.”

Zeigler continued, “We have an opportunity in 2016 that we may never have again. An opportunity to elect a President who can turn the US Supreme Court to a pro-life majority — a constitutional majority who will reverse the imaginary right to privacy and right to abortion that were invented by the US Supreme Court in its unconstitutional decision, Roe v. Wade.”

Zeigler said that it, “Is imperative that we elect a President of the United States who will appoint Justices to the US Supreme Court who will protect the lives of the unborn.” “The death of Justice Antonin Scalia makes it all the more important we elect a President who will not be lukewarm on the requirement that judicial nominees be solidly pro-life. We do not need a Laodicean President, and we do not need Laodicean Justices. Our adversaries will have no idea what this means.”

Zeigler said, “That he next President may appoint one to four Supreme Court Justices. For this reason, I am declaring 2016 “The Year of the Innocent Unborn.” May 2016 be the year that this evil wrong is righted. Maybe 2016 be the year that America returns to its founding principle — the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Notice that the right to life — is first. As we in Alabama go to the polls next Tuesday, there are a number of important decisions for us to make. Perhaps the most important is to nominate a Presidential candidate who is clearly pro-life. With no exceptions. No hesitancy. What we do next Tuesday can make all the difference for millions of unborn children who are at risk because of the US Supreme Court. What we do between now and the November general election can make THE difference for the unborn.”

Zeigler said that he hoped that 2016 goes, “Down in history as a year of repentance and a year of change – a year for turning around the American holocaust. I don’t want to have to stand here again next year and over 700,000 lives later.”

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The rally was part of a series of events on Tuesday in Montgomery for Pro-Life Legislative Day.

The Alabama House of Representatives has already passed the Unborn Baby Dignity of Life Act (HB 45) on Wednesday, February 17. Other Pro-Life bills are in various stages of the legislative process.

State Representative Tim Wadsworth (R-Winston County) said that HB45 Unborn Baby Dignity of Life Bill prevents the sale or other improper disposition of a deceased unborn child.

The Alabama House Republican Caucus wrote, “Unborn Infants’ Dignity of Life Act – Recent reports about outrageous acts by Planned Parenthood and its representatives have prompted public outcry regarding the organization and the cavalier practices it utilizes regarding unborn life. In order to ensure that these atrocities do not occur in Alabama, the House Republican Caucus will offer legislation banning the sale of the bodily remains of unborn infants.”

In 2015 the legislature attempted to increase the health and safety requirements for Alabama’s abortion clinics. A federal judge overturned that legislation. The State joined a multi-state appeal led by Texas to the US Supreme Court. The death of US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who was sympathetic to the Pro-Life cause, may have hurt the State’s chances of victory in this case.


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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