By Bill Britt
Alabama Political Reporter
MONTGOMERY—Rep. Johnny Mack Morrow (D-Red Bay) has challenged thirty-seven lawmakers to “put up or shut up,” after they each signed a letter asking the Obama Administration to investigate Attorney General Luther Strange, in reference to his actions in the indictment of Speaker Mike Hubbard on 23 felony counts of public corruption.
Morrow asked the Legislative Reference Service to outline the procedures for the House to hold impeachment hearings for General Strange, that he has made available to members who signed the letter.
On Thursday, Morrow sent a letter to fellow members of the Shoals Delegation, who had signed the letter to the Obama Administration, challenging them to show the courage of their convictions in asking for an investigation of Strange.
In his letter to Representatives Lynn Greer, Ken Johnson, and Phillip Pettus, who each signed the letter, he said, “Each of you have signed this letter binding your good name and character to the allegations made against General Strange, you must now show the courage of your conviction by immediately calling for a full House investigation into these charges. To do otherwise would be a dereliction of your sworn duty. To do less would show cowardliness or worse that you allowed your name to be used to hinder or obstruct justice for political gain.”
Morrow reminds his colleagues they had sworn an oath to support the Constitution of the State of Alabama “and faithfully and honestly discharge the duties” of their offices.
He also reminds the lawmakers that, “Events that are going on in the Lee County Judicial System are not our concerns. Mike Hubbard is facing a trial date in late March only because a Lee County Grand Jury indicted him on 23 felony charges. A jury of 12 men and women from Lee County will ultimately determine his guilt or innocence.”
US Attorney George Beck, during a press conference on February 20, said, “It is somewhat ironic that a largely white, largely Republican, largely conservative group of legislators, have reached out to the Obama Administration to bail out the leader of legal entanglements he finds himself in.”
The letter to the Obama Justice Department is widely seen as an effort to help Hubbard avoid his day in court, while muddying the public’s perception.
Morrow informs his fellow Shoals lawmakers, “While personally I don’t agree with your assessment of General Strange, I respect your words, and know that you will do what is right for not only our constituency but for all the people of our great state.”
He also tells Greer, Johnson, and Pettus, “I have taken this action because we as representatives of the people of Lauderdale, Colbert and Franklin Counties each have a responsibility and a duty to be truthful in all of our actions, and words.”
Morrow included a copy of the impeachment procedure with his letter.