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Auditor Jim Zeigler Addresses BamaCarry

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

On Saturday, February 13, the State Auditor addressed the Second Amendment group, BamaCarry, at their annual โ€œAlabama Firearms Freedom Rallyโ€ in Bessemer.

jim-zieglerThe conservative state Auditor quoted President Jefferson: โ€œThe price of freedom is eternal vigilance.โ€ Zeigler said, โ€œThat saying is often quoted and attributed to Thomas Jefferson. But it cannot be found in any of Jeffersonโ€™s writings or speeches. I am going to solve that mystery today. I said it. Only I am changing it for the reality of todayโ€™s world. The price of freedom is eternal, armed, and prepared vigilance.โ€

Zeigler said, โ€œThe idea of calling 911 to protect yourself or your family is not effective. You may not have time for 911 to respond. After a crime has occurred, law enforcement can be good at apprehending a criminal, investigating and prosecuting. But what about prevention? We all know that an ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure. An armed citizen preventing a crime is worth a ton of law enforcement apprehending and investigating after the crime is done.โ€

Zeigler continued, โ€œTo prevent a crime, it does not take a village. It takes an armed citizen, ready to defend, trained in the use of his weapon, and with a plan. A plan to defend his home. A plan to defend his vehicle. A plan to defend his business. The ideal call to 911 is a call to report a dead thug. In your home. Shot by the homeowner.โ€

Zeigler told the assembled BamaCarry members, โ€œYou are making a difference in Alabama. Many of you have filed complaints against illegal gun-free signs on government property. Because of you, the illegal no-gun signs are coming down. Are we finished yet in getting rid of defense-free zones where only criminals will have guns? No. But we are now on the offense instead of the defense.โ€

Zeigler continued, โ€œBecause of you, bills are making progress to recognize that college students have second amendment rights. Campus carry. To recognize that drivers and passengers in vehicles have second amendment rights. Guns in your vehicle with no government permit required. We will not be satisfied until all citizens have the recognized right to carry a gun without getting a permit from the government. We call this โ€˜Constitutional Carry.โ€™โ€

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Zeigler said that Remington moved to Alabama because the state is more gun-friendly than many states. โ€œIf you and I can continue to be eternally vigilant in safeguarding the legal rights of gun owners in Alabama, we have the opportunity to become the gun manufacturing capitol of the United States.โ€ โ€œDuring my next three years as your state auditor, I will continue to work to make Alabama the gun rights capitol of America.โ€

BamaCarry is a statewide group with 12,500 dues paying members who support the expansion of gun owner rights in the State of Alabama.

Fox News Contributor and Arkansas gun range owner, Jan Morgan, said, โ€œBamaCarry is the premier second amendment organization in the State of Alabama.โ€ โ€œThose people are staying on top of the issues and are doing an amazing job on keeping the people of Alabama informedโ€ฆIt was an honor to be a part of this today and to be a speaker at their eventโ€ฆMy job today was to Increase the level of Second Amendment activismโ€ฆWe need more people to do lots more on the frontlines to protect the Second Amendment.โ€

Other speakers at Saturdayโ€™s event included: Jan Morgan, BamaCarry Board member, Billy Denton, Senate candidate Jonathan McConnell, Beth Reoch Alcazar, State Senator Gerald Allen (R-Tuscaloosa), Amy Denton Parrish, Doyle Kromer, and former State Senator John Rice (R).

Edward Peavey of the Walker County group was presented the โ€œOutstanding BamaCarry member of 2015 Award.โ€

The growing threat of terrorism at home and abroad as well as signals from some in Washington that government may be clamping down on gun freedoms has increased the interest in firearms and Second Amendment rights both in Alabama and around the country.

The event followed the Situational Security Summit in Gardendale a week earlier.

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Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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