By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Politcal Reporter
At one point over twenty people were campaigning to be President as a Democrat, Republican, Independent, or Libertarian. With less than a week left before the Iowa Caucuses the field of major party candidates has narrowed somewhat and is likely to narrow further when Iowa caucus goers decide who they will vote for……and who they aren’t voting for. Florida Senator Marco Rubio (R) is working hard to be in that top three Republican vote getters when the Iowa numbers are tabulated.
Popular US Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) joined him at events in Iowa this week. On Monday, January 25 Rubio spoke with FOX News’ Greta Van Susteren.
Greta Van Sustern said: “So you have the Des Moines Regiser, the coveted endorsement from the state newspaper there, or one of the state newspapers. So tell me — You were out on the trail today with Senator Joni Ernst, but she didn’t endorse you, but she went out with you to campaign. What should we read into that?”
Sen. Rubio replied, “First, she promised the people of Iowa she would not be endorsing and I respect that very much. But we were glad to have her with us. You know, the issue of national security is one that I care about deeply and she talked about how she trusted me on that, which is the most important thing a president does is to be commander-in-chief. I’m very proud to be Joni’s friend, to have supported her in the primary when she was running in a competitive field, because to me, she represents so much of what I hope the Republican Party will be about it in the 21st Century. So we were glad to have her with us. It really was a boost to us earlier this morning when a lot of Iowans turned out to hear her introduce me.”
Also on Monday, former US Senator Jon Kyl (R fro Arizona) announced that he is endorsing Marco Rubio for President. Former Sen. Kyl said, “I am proud to endorse Marco Rubio for President. In a world in which terrorists are targeting our cities and adversaries are challenging our leadership, we need a serious president—one with sound judgment and resolve. In the Senate and on the campaign trail, Marco has shown that he has deep knowledge of the national security challenges our country faces. He has the experience and wisdom to serve as our next commander-in-chief.”
Sen. Kyl continued, “Marco understands that to keep Americans safe, American leadership is essential to our security. After eight years of disengagement under the Obama administration, our enemies are challenging us, our allies questioning us, and the world is becoming increasingly dangerous. As an active member of the Senate Foreign Relations and Senate Intelligence Committees, Marco has warned of the chaotic impact of President Obama’s policies and fought to keep Americans safe.”
Sen. Kyl added, “Marco understands how to restore American leadership. He will focus on the necessary priorities: rebuilding and modernizing our military including by ensuring we modernize our nuclear deterrent, bolstering our missile defenses, and restoring our alliances. And he will not only undo the damage of the Obama years, but also build a better America: one that guards peace and stability, defends free commerce, and stands for a moral foreign policy rooted in our best values. Marco will do this with strength and optimism, keeping us safe and giving us pride in our country. I trust Marco to guide our nation through these troubled times with poise, and ensure that this century is another American century.”
On Tuesday, January 26, former New York Governor George Pataki (R) also endorsed Rubio. Pataki, who has suspended his own pursuit of the presidency said, “I took a look at all the candidates, and in my mind one person who stands out, that’s Senator Marco Rubio. We need someone who is going to bring Americans together. Senator Rubio has the leadership. He has the vision. He has the intelligence from Congress to understand what it takes to defend us against radical Islam. I’m proud to endorse Senator Rubio.”
Gov. Pataki concuded, “I have enormous confidence that Marco Rubio is ready today to be President of the United States. He’s provided great leadership. He did it in the state legislature in Florida. He’s done it in the U.S. Senate, particularly when it comes to rebuilding our military, standing up to radical Islam. Martha, I have got to tell you, to me personally, one of the most important things is for us to understand we are all Americans. We have had a president who has divided us for political benefit. Hillary Clinton is always dividing us for her benefit. Donald Trump is dividing us so he gets the benefit. Marco Rubio is going to bring us together, and make us understand we are all Americans with a common future. I’m proud to endorse him. And I don’t just intend to endorse him, I’m going to do everything I can to help Senator Rubio win this election.”
Fox News announced on Tuesday that the candidates who qualified for Thursday’s prime time debate are: Billionaire businessman Donald Trump; Texas Sen. Ted Cruz; Florida Sen. Marco Rubio; retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson; New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie; former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush; Ohio Gov. John Kasich; and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul. On Tuesday GOP frontrunner Donald Trump announced that he was pulling out of the debate after Fox News refused to remove controversial host Megyn Kelly as one of the moderators. Trump claims that Kelly has been biased against him.
Rubio’s Alabama Co-Chairman former Alabama Republican Party Chairman Bill Armistead said, “As Senator Cruz and Mr. Trump fight it out in Iowa and New Hampshire voters are turning to Senator Rubio as the true conservative who can defeat Hillary Clinton.”
Following Thursday’s Fox News GOP Debate, Marco Rubio will continue his campaign tour in Iowa with stops in: Burlington, Muscatine, Clinton, and Dubuque.