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Gerritson Announces Endorsements

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

On Monday, January 25, congressional candidate Becky Gerritson announced that popular conservative talk radio host Rev. Cleon Lewis “C.L.” Bryant had endorsed her candidacy in Alabama’s Second Congressional District.

Ms. Gerritson said in a statement, “We continue to build momentum and gain the support of conservatives all around the nation. It’s exciting to see how many are taking a stand.”

This follows an endorsement from Phyllis Schafly and her Eagle Forum PAC on Thursday, January 21.

Schafly said, “While President Obama has repeatedly attacked the very foundation of our nation, Republican leaders in Congress have failed to respond in a meaningful way. Rep. Martha Roby has been with them all too often.”

Schafly continued, “Although she was elected in the conservative wave of 2010, Roby scores lower than every other member of the Alabama Republican delegation on numerous conservative score cards, including those of Eagle Forum, Heritage Action, Club for Growth, Madison Project, and Conservative Review. Despite the clear mandate from the grassroots to restore discipline to Congress by rejecting business as usual, more times than not, Roby has voted for the interests of the Washington insiders instead of the values of her constituents. For example, since coming to Congress, except for the most recent (December 2015) as she faces a primary challenge, Roby has voted for every omnibus spending bill, including the CRomnibus in December 2014 that funded Obama’s amnesties. Most disturbing is her vote – along with every Democrat in the House and Senate – for final passage of the “Every Student Succeeds Act,” the latest overhaul of the American education system which has been criticized by informed conservative academicians as ‘Common Core on Steroids.’”

Schafly continued, “This is the year when we must elect more Republicans to Congress who are true conservatives – that’s why I’m supporting Becky Gerritson. I first heard of Becky after she gave a compelling testimony to Congress when it was discovered that the IRS was targeting specific groups for their political beliefs. Her testimony inspired thousands when she courageously told government to get back in its place.” “Becky is a proven leader. She understands that sound governance doesn’t mean just passing bills that the president will sign, as the current Congress continues to do. She knows that sound governance means upholding and defending the Constitution, protecting the security of the American people, and defending the values that have made our country great. Her dedication and passion for the conservative cause has been seen not only by Alabamians but by the nation as she has fearlessly and tirelessly fought against the progressive agenda and big government.

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Schafly concluded, “We need Members of Congress who will not just go to Washington to be another vote for the Republican establishment and political elites; we need representatives in Washington like Becky who will represent and fight for the values and principles that have made America great.”

Gerritson thanked Schafly, “Phyllis Schafly is conservatism’s ‘leading lady,’ and she has had a profound impact on our movement. I am deeply honored by her friendship and her support, and I am humbled to see the groundswell of grassroots momentum behind our campaign. Martha Roby’s record is unacceptable, liberal, and out-of-touch with the conservative values of District 2. I am confident voters will stand behind our campaign as the conservative choice on March 1.”

Rev. Lewis said, “I have spent years advocating for real, conscientious conservatives to stop playing political games and bring us back to where this country was supposed to be. “Becky is the kind of determined, moral, no-nonsense candidate that will do exactly that while her opponent poses for pictures with the Speaker.”

Rev. Bryant is the host of Shreveport, Louisiana-based radio talk show, “The C. L. Bryant Show: American on the Edge.” Bryant is also an ordained pastor in the Baptist Church, the author of conservative non-fiction “Lead Us to Temptation, Deliver Us to Evil,” the producer of the independent documentary “Runaway Slave,” and a senior fellow with the conservative think tank FreedomWorks.

Bryant said that Gerritson’s speech before Congress on the IRS’s illegal targeting practices drew national media attention and that he was one of many conservatives across the country who were impressed by her passion for issues that affect all Americans.

Rev. Bryant said, “I knew then that this was the kind of leader we need in our government and she’s only proven that more and more as her campaign has progressed.”

Gerritson said, “I am so grateful for C.L.’s vote of confidence and I’m continually overwhelmed by the support this campaign has gotten from people far outside of Alabama District 2. I think it shows that we’re on to something. The people of Alabama, and the people of America, want leaders they know will be accountable to them, and representatives who vote the way the people want, not ones who vote for favors or political alliances. National politics have turned into a frighteningly complex machine and the voters are tired of it. We need elected leaders who work for their constituents—it’s as simple as that—and I’m excited to see more and more Americans speak out for that.”

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The endorsement of Bryant, Eagle Forum PAC and Phyllis Schafly follows last week’s endorsement by the national Tea Party Patriots PAC. Gerritson has also raised more than $100,000 to compete with Roby’s warchest. Gerritson has also received endorsements from from conservative politicians, commentators and activists including Alabama GOP and Tea Party leaders, the Madison Project, ConservativeHQ, and more.

Gerritson is running against three term incumbent U.S. Representative Martha Roby in the Republican Primary on March 1. Gerritson is the founder and President of the Wetumpka Tea Party. She was allegedly a target of Lois Lerner’s rogue IRS unit, which allegedly targeted conservative leaders and tea parties.


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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