By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Tuesday, January 19, popular former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin endorsed Republican presidential front-runner, New York City businessman, and reality TV star Donald Trump.
Only two women have ever been nominated for Vice-President by a major American political party: Geraldine Ferraro in 1984 by the Democrats and Palin in 2008 by the Republicans. Palin was the running mate of 2008 GOP Presidential Candidate John McCain. Despite the eventual loss to Barack H Obama and Joe Biden, Palin remains popular with “movement” conservatives and Tea Party activists.
Sarah Palin stated, “I am proud to endorse Donald J. Trump for President of the United States of America. People are really tired of professional politicians who, you know, won’t call it like they see it and maybe don’t have life experiences that allow them to prove a track record of success. That’s refreshing about [Donald] Trump. He’s a fighter. We know he’s gonna put America first.”
Mr. Trump stated, “I am greatly honored to receive Sarah’s endorsement. She is a friend, and a high quality person whom I have great respect for. I am proud to have her support.”
Gov. Palin joined Mr. Trump in Ames, Iowa on Tuesday, just two weeks before the Iowa Caucuses, to announce her endorsement of the GOP frontrunner.
Sarah Palin is also a New York Times Best-Selling Author, former FOX News contributor, and public speaker.
Former Governor Palin is seen as one of the most outspoken conservatives in the Republican Party.
Polling shows Trump and US Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in a tight race in the Iowa Caucus, although Trump leads in national polls as well as in the state of New Hampshire, whose Primary follows closely on the heels of the Iowa Caucuses.
In recent polling in Alabama, Trump has a commanding lead over the rest of the crowded Republican field with 45 percent of the vote. Cruz is in a distant second at just 21 percent.
A lot can change by the Alabama Primary on March 1.
Trump has held two massive rallies in Mobile and Birmingham already. Cruz has made appearances in Pelham, Tuscaloosa, Daphne, Huntsville, and Trussville.