By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Saturday, January 20, US Representative Robert Aderholt (R-Haleyville) spoke at the annual Lincoln – Reagan dinner in Double Springs to the Winston Country Republican Party.
Congressman Aderholt said, “It is an honor for me to be here tonight…Winston County is where I was born and raised so to be here tonight was special.”
Aderholt presented Ray Forrester and Johnny Span with flags for the service that their sons did for this country. Marine Corps Captain and CIA operative Johnny Michael Spann was the first American killed in combat in Afghanistan. Mark Allen Forester was killed in Afghanistan in 2010 trying to save a fallen comrade.
Aderholt said that some give there all and these two individuals gave all. The Congressman said that we want to make sure that our veterans are taken care of and the commitments we have made to them are kept.
Congressman Robert Aderholt introduced his son, Robert Hayes Aderholt, who is 11.
Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) was also present.
Aderholt said, “Senator Sessions is not just a great United States Senator for Alabama but he is also a leader.” He is someone who is quoted very often and was referred to in the Presidential debate. “When Senator Sessions says something people listen.”
Aderholt said that he just has 16 counties in the Fourth Congressional District. “Jeff has 67 counties that he serves.”
Rep. Aderholt said, that he is struck by reading the Bible that, “I think it is our nature as human being to be anxious and to worry. There is a lot of extreme anxiety across the country. We don’t need to grow discouraged. A lot of times we have been discouraged. We are still fighting against abortion, fighting to defend free speech, fighting for the right to bear arms, and fighting against the growth of government.”
The congressman said that current discretionary spending needs to be cut, but that we also need to cut mandatory spending. The national debt is $18 to 19 trillion. It is difficult trying to grasp how much one trillion is much less $18 to $19 trillion. If you went back in time to Jesus’s birth and deposited $one million in the bank and did that every day from now until then it still would not even be $one trillion. “We need a new President that will deal with the debt and will deal with mandatory spending.”
Rep. Aderholt said that the House has a new Speaker. One of the first things the Congress did was pass a repeal of Obamacare. The President vetoed it. “We are going to attempt to override it. We may not have the votes but we are going to try.” When Ryan replaced Boehner, “The torch was passed from the moderates to the conservatives.”
Aderholt said, “When I get back to Washington I will introduce welfare reform.” Food stamps need to be reformed to require work for those getting food stamps. Recipients need to prove both immigration status and income. “Welfare is a hand up, not a hand out.”
Rep. Aderholt said that we can not lose focus of what our conservative values are. I am not voting for myself, but for about 700,000 people. I am up for election. I would be remiss if I did not ask for your vote and your support.
Winston County Republican Party Chairman Jerry Mobley said that the party is recognizing John Sudduth as their person of the year. Sudduth taught for over 30 years and served as Winston County GOP vice chair for over 12 years.
Mr. Sudduth said, “I am so honored. This is the best reward I have ever received.”
Congressman Aderholt said, “I will be presenting a resolution for the record in the US House of Representatives,” recognizing Mr. Sudduth who grew up in Winston County and taught agriculture science. He taught his students the importance of agriculture to Alabama and the nation. Sudduth was active in ALFA and the Alabama Cattleman’s Association. He is married to Mary and they have three children.
The Chief of Staff of the Alabama Republican Party, Harold Sachs said, “Y’all are in the free state of Winston.” Winston County has been the rock of the Republican Party since the commencement of the Republican Party. More residents of Winston County fought for the Union than fought for the Confederacy, because we want to be free.
In addition to Aderholt, Sessions and Sachs a number of elected officials and Republican Party officials were present at the banquet including: Troy Towns, Senior Vice Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party, State Representative Ken Johnson, Chief Justice Roy Moore, Justice Tom Parker, Lynn Mitchell Robinson, Secretary Alabama Republican Party, Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill, Alabama State Auditor Jim Zeigler, State Senator Greg Reed, State Senator Larry Stutts, State Representative Mike Millican, State Representative Tim Wadsworth, and US Senate candidate Jonathan McConnell.
Sachs announced that Marine Captain Steven Tolbert from Florence Alabama was missing in Hawaii in a helicopter accident and asked for the attendees to pray for him and the other missing soldiers.
Senator Jeff Sessons said, “This county has been the rock of the Republican Party since the commencement of the Republican Party. You have so many good people who have given their time and effort to it.”
Alabama Supreme Court Justice Tom Parker told the Alabama Political Reporter that he is confident that he will be re-elected to another term and that he enjoys getting out and talking to the people of the State.
State Representative Tim Wadsworth wrote on Facebook, “Winston County’s Lincoln-Reagan Dinner was a success. Great crowd and gathering of conservative folks.”