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Sessions Say Americans Have Right to Be Mad

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Saturday, January 18, US Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) was in Double Springs speaking to the Winston County Republican Party at their annual Lincoln-Reagan Dinner. Senator Sessions said, “A lot of people are mad a lot of people are angry you have every right to be angry about the direction this country is headed.”

Sen. Sessions said, “I spent two years in Russellville practicing law.” There are a lot of Republicans in this area before it was cool to be a Republican.” “Thank you for your friendship and support.”

Sessions said that there are a lot of people from the area who have worked for the Republican Party. “They don’t ask for anything. They love America and want to do what is right for this country.”

Sessions warned that the rule of law is being eroded in so many ways and praised Alabama Supreme Court Justice Tom Parker and Chief Justice Roy Moore, who were both present.

Sen. Sessions said that we need to win this presidential election because eight more years of appointment of Judges would be a monumental disaster. “I am not sure the Judiciary would ever recover…..Judge Moore you know that.”

Sen. Sessions praised Congressman Robert Aderholt (R from Haleyville) who was also present. Sessions said that Newt Gingrich put Rep. Aderholt on the House Appropriations Committee on his first day in the House. “We call on Robert regularly because a lot of key decisions are made there and he is for the entire state.” When the house voted to defund President’s Executive Amnesty, “The House stood up and was counted. Robert you played a key role in that entire event.”

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Sessions said that some people say you shouldn’t be angry. “A lot of people are mad a lot of people are angry you have every right to be angry about the direction this country is headed.” The Senator said that he hopes that people get angry and that anger will motivate them to come out in the fall.

Sen. Sessions said that Republicans need to listen to the American people. Governor Romney said that there was 47 percent he could not reach….and, “I thought he would be a great president. “Tax reform is important but if all we talk about is tax cuts for the rich WE aren’t going to get over 47 percent.”

Sessions said, there are two issues people are waiting us to take one. The first of these is trade. “I voted for most of the major trade agreements.” I voted for the agreement with South Korea. We were told that it would raise exports to South Kora by $11 billion. It raised it by less than a $billion in exports and raised imports from South Korea by $12 billion. We have to negotiate better trade deals.

Sessions said that the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a road would give an 11 member commission authority. The TPP proudly says its a living agreement. That means the members can meet and change the rules. We don’t even know the rules anymore. Trump and Cruz have been talking about these bad trade deals and look at where they are in the polls.

Sen. Sessions said that Americans need an immigration system that is serving your interests. We flooded the labor market and that is pulling down wages. If you bring in more labor the price of labor goes down. You would think that the US Chamber of Commerce would understand that but they act like if wages are rising, this is horrible. “We need wages to rise.” The people do not like the last 8 years. “We need to be on the side of working Americans.” We need immigration to serve the interest of the American people and not some world vision. Its even worse in Europe. “The people of Europe are in shock and their leaders are just floating along in their own little world.”

Sessions said that the recent vote to repeal Obamacare using the budget reconciliation process so they only need 51 votes in the Senate once a new President is elected.

Sessions said, “We are at a decisive point in our history.” “We can succeed in this election. That won’t guarantee anything but it would put us on the right path.”

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Senator Jeff Sessions served Alabama as US Attorney, Attorney General, and head of the Alabama Republican Party before being elected to the US Senate in 1996.


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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