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McConnell Gets Endorsements from Citizens United and Marine Comrades

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

On Thursday, January 7, Citizens United Political Victory Fund (CUPVF), the affiliated PAC of Citizens United, announced that were endorsing Jonathan McConnell for US Senator from Alabama. The McConnell campaign also announced that 100 Marines who have served with the 33 year old former Marine Corps Captain have signed a letter endorsing McConnell.

Citizens United President David N. Bossie said, “Citizens United Political Victory Fund is proud to support true conservative candidate Jonathan McConnell against career Washington politician Richard Shelby. As a conservative change agent, Captain McConnell will be a breath of fresh air in a United States Senate that is full of stale ideas and outdated big-spending politicians.”

McConnell’s Marine comrades wrote, “Today, we are proud to stand with Captain Jonathan McConnell, as we did on the battlefield of Iraq, and announce our support of Jonathan’s run for US Senate. Without question, Captain McConnell is a leader of integrity and honor, and it is our honor to support him in his bid to once again fight for our great country. In our tours of combat duty in Iraq with Captain McConnell he exhibited the epitome of courage and valor. His leadership on the battlefield has, and should be commended.”

President Bossie attacked incumbent Senator Shelby, “Over the 37 years Richard Shelby has been in Washington, he has gleefully presided over the out of control federal spending habits that has resulted in our $19 trillion national debt. America needs a new generation of conservative leaders like Jonathan McConnell who will join Senator Ted Cruz and others in challenging the failed status quo in Washington. Big spending politicians no longer have a place in the US Senate because there is no more money to spend. It’s time for Richard Shelby to go.”

In response to the Citizens United endorsement McConnell said, “I’ve started and run a small business. I know the disastrous effects of overburdensome government regulation, but I’ve also served in Iraq, and I know the imminent security threats our country faces. We need leaders in Washington that are willing to engage in meaningful debate to roll back big government, and work to eradicate the extremist violence that plagues so much of the world.”

In response to the endorsement by his fellow Marines, McConnell said, “I am humbled and honored by the outpouring of support from the men I served with in Iraq and here at home. These Marines know me better than probably anyone else, and their endorsement means more to me than any other.”

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Bossie said, “Alabamians deserve a Senator who has the stamina to stand up to the reckless Obama-Clinton agenda for all six years of the term, not just during an election year. Jonathan McConnell is that conservative candidate. Richard Shelby had no problem voting to confirm Hillary Clinton and John Kerry as Secretary of State as well as liberals Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer to the U.S. Supreme Court. It’s this mindset of indifference by entrenched career politicians that so desperately needs to be swept from office in Washington. All Alabamians who are Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, or Ben Carson voters should also pull the lever for fellow-change agent Jonathan McConnell in the rapidly approaching primary election on March 1st.”

McConnell’s fellow Marines wrote, “Career politicians in Washington D.C. sent us to defend this country, then failed to provide the medical care and support many of us needed when we got back. We need people just like Captain McConnell to continue to stand up and be leaders—people whose first priority is their country, not their pocketbooks or special interests. America is at a crossroads and needs men and women willing to fight for her not only overseas, but here at home as well. Captain McConnell has proven his willingness to fight for the land we love. America needs him to fight for her in Washington. Honor. Courage. Commitment. Those are the values of the Marine Corps, and we know them to be values Captain McConnell both holds dear and exhibits in every area of his life. Semper Fi,”

Jonathan McConnell has pledged that if elected he will serve no more than two terms (12 years).

McConnell, who supports term limits, said: “In the course of his 37 years in Congress, Richard Shelby has become engrained in the stereotypical Washington culture which values money and power over representing constituents’ interests. Simply put, he’s profited while Alabamians have paid.” “Approximately half of Alabamians weren’t even born when Richard Shelby first moved to DC. Yet, in the time he’s been in office, the national debt has climbed from $780 billion to over $18.81 trillion. It is obvious to conservative Alabama voters he is not standing for their values.”

Captain McConnell said, “It’s time we right the ship, and move our country back in the right direction.”

Senator Richard Shelby, age 81, was first elected to the Senate in 1986 following service in the US House of Representatives and the state legislature. Shelby is seeking a sixth term representing Alabama in the US Senate.

Former State Senator Shadrack McGill (R-Jackson County), John Martin, and Marcus Bowman are also running in the Republican primary. Charles Nana and Ron Crumpton are both running for the US Senate in the March 1 Democratic Primary. The winner of each major party primary will face off in the general election next November.

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Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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