By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Wednesday, January 6, US Representative Mike Rogers (R-Saks), Chairman of the House Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee, made the following statement today after learning from news reports that North Korea said it had conducted a successful hydrogen bomb test.
Congressman Rogers “We are watching seven years of President Obama’s failures play out – this is what ‘leading from behind’ has wrought. While the President has wasted his two terms in office, North Korea has continued to develop its ballistic missile and nuclear weapons capabilities.”
Rep. Rogers said, “Now is the time for the president to ask South Korea’s President Park to accept the deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system. The United States must also dramatically enhance trilateral missile defense and intelligence sharing – I urge the president to promptly send the Director of National Intelligence and the Secretary of Defense to Japan and South Korea to accomplish this.”
On Wednesday, New Jersey Governor and GOP Presidential candidate Chris Christie (R) said on ‘Fox and Friends’ that, “Three out of the four nuclear detonations that the North Koreans have done have happened under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s watch,” Christie said during an appearance on “Fox and Friends.”
Gov. Christie said, “They have just not acted strongly at all around the world. This is just another example — piled on top of Iran, on top of Syria, on top Crimea and Ukraine … this is what weak American leadership gets you.”
New York City billionaire and Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump said, “China should solve that problem and if they don’t solve the problem, we should make trade very difficult for China.” “North Korea is totally under their control. Without China, they wouldn’t eat.”
Democratic frontrunner and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton blasted the action by North Korea as a “dangerous and provocative act.” Secretary Clinton said that the Chinese should be more assertive in reining in their longtime ally and neighbor.
Florida Senator and GOP Presidential Candidate Marco Rubio said, “I have been warning throughout the campaign that North Korea is run by a lunatic who has been expanding his nuclear arsenal while President Obama has stood idly by.” The North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un inherited rule of the country from his father and grandfather. Rubio said, “If this test is confirmed, it will be just the latest example of the failed Obama-Clinton foreign policy. Our enemies around the world are taking advantage of Obama’s weakness.”
GOP Presidential candidate Carly Fiorina added in a Facebook post: “North Korea is yet another Hillary Clinton foreign policy failure.”
Congressman Mike Rogers is the Chairman of the House Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee. Rogers represents Alabama’s Third Congressional District.
(Original Reporting by Fox News, World Net Daily, the New York Post and CNBC’s Dan Howard contributed to this report)