By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Wednesday, January 7, congressional candidate Becky Gerritson (R), who is challenging Representative Martha Roby (R) in the March 1 GOP Primary, released a statement calling the announcement of President Obama’s executive actions tightening gun control on American citizens “twisted, dangerous and utterly unacceptable.”
Ms. Gerritson said, “Among countless other missteps and trespasses, President Obama’s White House tenure will be historically defined by his two greatest weaknesses: a whimpering inability to protect American citizens at home or abroad, and an overwhelming disregard for the constitutionally limited powers of the executive office.”
Gerritson continued, “Time and again, we have seen our President deny military aid to endangered Americans internationally while supporting the efforts of those who stand openly against our country. And time and again, we have watched as he ignored the Constitution and the Republican system of government our founding fathers worked so carefully to create, instead imposing his own fantasies of power and influence over the citizens of this country and the representatives they rightfully elected.”
“Now, this President has announced he will be using his final months in office combining both of his most egregious moral failings in one dictator-like masterpiece when he enacts executive orders limiting the foundational rights of American citizens to purchase, own, and—in righteous cause—wield a firearm. This is an overreach of Presidential powers on an unprecedented scale that not only mocks the very cornerstone of our nation, but will bring the opposite of the safety he claims to seek. These actions are nothing short of twisted, dangerous and utterly unacceptable,” Gerritson said.
Gerritson announced, “I am vowing today to bring the fight to the House floor immediately upon election to overturn these unwarranted, unconstitutional, and un-American executive actions and protect the rights and safety of our people. I am hereby calling on all elected congressmen to join me in what has become a war to preserve the basic liberties that made our country possible. Obama’s America is not the nation its people want and it is past time we cease its imperial march.”
Gerritson joins a long list of Alabama elected officials who have denounced President Obama’s unilateral decision to deprive more Americans of their Second Amendment Constitutional rights. Gerritson’s opponent, three-term incumbent Martha Roby also denounced President Obama’s executive actions on guns. Congresswoman Roby said in her own statement, “President Obama is wrong to try to bypass Congress to unilaterally mandate his gun control agenda, and it won’t stand. I’m a gun owner myself, and I strongly value the rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment. I will fight on behalf of those I represent to stop any attempt to erode our Second Amendment rights.”
Gerritson said that Roby has cast enabling votes that have funded many of his largest programs, including Obamacare and illegal executive amnesty.
Gerritson is the co-founder and president of the Wetumpka Tea Party and testified before Congress on the IRS’s alleged illegal targeting of her group as well as other conservative groups and Tea Party chapters across the country. The US Department of Justice has declined to charge Lois Lerner or anyone else in the IRS targeting scandal, despite the destruction of evidence that had been subpoenaed by congressional investigators.
Robert L. “Bob” Rogers is also running to as a Republican in the GOP Primary on March 1. Whoever wins the GOP Primary will then face Nathan Mathis (D) in the November General Election.