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Alabama Leaders Promise to Fight for Your Second Amendment Rights

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

On Monday, January 4, a number of Alabama’s Congressional delegation released statements critical of President Barack H. Obama’s anticipated gun control by Presidential executive order.

US Senator Richard Shelby (R-Alabama) said in a statement, “The latest news that President Obama plans to circumvent Congress and attempt to restrict the constitutional right of the American people to keep and bear arms is unacceptable. The American people have witnessed time and time again a President who completely disregards the rule of law, the Constitution, and the separation of powers.”

US Representative Martha Roby (R-Montgomery) said, “President Obama is wrong to try to bypass Congress to unilaterally mandate his gun control agenda, and it won’t stand. I’m a gun owner myself, and I strongly value the rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment. I will fight on behalf of those I represent to stop any attempt to erode our Second Amendment rights.”

US Representative Mike Rogers (R-Saks) said, “President Obama has spent his time in office expanding the size of government and infringing on our Constitutional rights. This is just another example of his blatant disregard for the Constitution. I remain completely opposed to any action that puts any level of restrictions on our right to bear arms. As a gun owner myself, I will continue to fight for our Second Amendment rights.”

Alabama Governor Robert Bentley (R) said, “America’s founding fathers prioritized the right to keep and bear arms, and President Obama is overstepping his authority and threatening to take away our 2nd amendment rights. It is unacceptable for the President to bypass Congress and the US Constitution with his plan. The overreach by the President seems to be his preferred way of leading our country, and it is another reason why it is critical for Americans to send a conservative back to the White House in November. I encourage the Alabama congressional delegation to listen to the message of the Alabama people and fight to protect the fundamental rights of gun owners.”

US Representative Bradley Byrne (R-Montrose) said: “President Obama just doesn’t get it. He continues to openly disregard our Constitution and the will of the American people. For seven years now, Congress has rejected President Obama’s efforts to restrict the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans. Now, in the final months of his presidency, he intends to make these changes on his own through executive fiat.”

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Senator Shelby said, “We must not allow our leaders to act like dictators just because they are repeatedly denied a political victory. From amnesty to gun control, the American people and Republicans in Congress will continue to say ‘no’ the President’s out-of-control executive fiats.”

Congresswoman Roby said, “There is a reason Congress has repeatedly rejected President Obama’s gun control agenda: on top of being unconstitutional, his proposals would not have prevented the recent attacks he uses to justify new laws. Instead of forcing unconstitutional gun regulations that have little hope of stopping premeditated attacks, I believe our focus should be dealing with the root causes, specifically mental health and terrorism.”

Congressman Byrne said, “These expected changes would not have prevented any of the recent mass shootings where guns were purchased from licensed gun dealers. Instead of continuing to ignore Congress, the President should work with us on commonsense reforms that would actually reduce gun violence, like mental health reform and preventing those who wish to bring us harm from entering the United States. In reality, I don’t think President Obama wants to solve the problem. Instead, he is simply looking for another political talking point and continuing to pander to far-left political groups.”

Sen. Shelby said, “None of the executive actions that we expect to hear from the President would have prevented the recent tragic events in our nation. Instead of looking for ways to truly put an end to violent crime and radical Islamic terrorism, the President is once again looking to score political points by taking away the rights of law-abiding Americans to protect themselves.”

Rep. Byrne said, “Congress must be swift to respond to any executive action, and there will certainly be legal challenges as well. This debate is about more than the Second Amendment. This debate is about standing up to an out-of-control President who refuses to follow the Constitution.”

Sen. Shelby said, “The President should know better than anyone that disarming law-abiding Americans will do nothing more than empower criminals. After all, his own hometown of Chicago has the strictest gun control laws in the country, yet its violent crime rate is among the highest in our nation. President Obama wants America to look more like Chicago. I’m fighting for America to look more like Alabama. That is why I will work tirelessly to protect the Second Amendment and reverse any proposals by this President to restrict the constitutional rights of the American people.”

On Tuesday, President Obama is expected to strip Americans, whom his administration places on the terror watch list (without trial or hearing), of their right to purchase a gun. He is also expected to increase the number of Americans who need a gun dealers license to sell guns. This will result in more Americans have to go through the background check process in order to sell their guns. He will announce his full package of “reforms” in a town hall setting on CNN.

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Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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