By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Sunday, January 2, US Representative Bradley Byrne (R-Montrose) warned of executive action that President Barack H. Obama may take this week to deprive more Americans of their Second Amendment rights.
Congressman Byrne said in a statement, “I am very concerned by reports President Obama is planning to go against the will of Congress and the American people to make changes to our nation’s gun laws. This is simply not how our government of checks and balances should operate. I will do everything I can in Congress to fight back against any attempt to use executive orders to restrict South Alabamians right to own and bear firearms.”
The Washington Post is reporting that President Obama will meet with his Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Monday to discuss what actions can be taken to circumvent the Second Amendment without getting any authorization from the US Congress.
Gun Owners of America spokesman Erich Pratt told the Blaze, “The President’s actions are lawless. He continuously circumvents the Congress to advance a political agenda that seeks to demonize firearms. But it’s an agenda that will do nothing to make people safer.”
On Friday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) said on Twitter, “Obama wants to impose more gun control. My response? COME & TAKE IT.”
The phrase “come and take it” is in reference to a flag flown by Texas forces during the Texas Revolution against Mexican rule. At the battle of Gonzales, Texas rebels revolted against the Mexican army who were trying to retrieve a cannon loaned to them for protection against American Indians.
The new rules will reportedly seek to require private sellers to conduct background checks, as well as prevent people on the no-fly list from being able to purchase firearms. The executive branch unilaterally determines which Americans go on the no-fly list. It is not limited to those who have been convicted of, indicted for, or even charged with an actual crime and there is no actual court appeals process to get removed from the list or prevent the US government from adding whomever it wants to add to the No-Fly list.
Throughout President Obama’s presidency he has lamented Americans attachment to firearms and has sought greater restrictions on who can legally obtain firearms and what kinds of guns are available to the public.
Congressman Bradley Byrne represents Alabama’s Second Congressional District.