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Greater Birmingham Young Republicans Declare Shelby ‘Elected Official of the Year’

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

On Thursday, December 18, the Greater Birmingham Young Republicans (GBYR) held their annual Christmas Party at the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame in Birmingham’s BJCC complex.  The young Republicans selected Senator Shelby as their ‘Elected Official of the Year.’

The GOP group announced in a statement, “Congratulations to our great friend, Senator Richard Shelby for being awarded ‘Elected Official of the Year’ at our annual Christmas party last night. Thanks to everyone who joined us for the event.”

The GBYRs held officer elections in November.  The newly elected officers are: Justin Barkley, Chairman; Haley M Lucido, Vice Chair; Mary-Meighan Riley Warren, Secretary; Stephen Caleb Parker, Treasurer; Sean Grehalva, State Committeeman; Anna Schmarkey, State Committeewoman; Zach Bowman, County Liaison; and Alex Cobb, Sergeant-at-arms.

Chairman Justin Barkley said in a statement, “So many people to thank for a wonderful Greater Birmingham Young Republicans Christmas Party last night at the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame. The whole Barkley family had a great time. I want to offer a special thanks to our outgoing Chair, Jackie Curtiss. Everything you liked about last night’s party she did. Everything you didn’t like was my fault.”

Full Moon Barbecue catered the event and Santa Claus made an appearance.
The Alabama Sports Hall of Fame’s (ASHOF) stated purpose is to honor, preserve and perpetuate the names, deeds and records of those, living and dead, who by achievement or service, have brought lasting fame and honor to the State of Alabama and to themselves through their outstanding accomplishments.

The ASHOF displays over 5,000 sports artifacts in a 33,000 square foot building.  Some of the athletes honored there include: Jesse Owens, Hank Aaron, Joe Louis, Willie Mays, Carl Lewis, Evander Holyfield, Joe Namath, Jay Barker, Bo Jackson, Pat Sullivan, and Coach Paul “Bear” Bryant.

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The ASHOF is at 2501 Richard Arrington Boulevard N.; Birmingham, Alabama right off of Interstate 20/59.

Senator Richard Shelby, age 81, was first elected to the Senate in 1986 following service in the U.S. House of Representatives and the State legislature.  Shelby is seeking a sixth term representing Alabama in the US Senate.

Former State Senator Shadrack McGill (R-Jackson County), John Martin, Jonathan McConnell, and Marcus Bowman are also running against Shelby in the Republican primary.  Charles Nana and Ron Crumpton are both running for the US Senate in the March 1 Democratic Primary.  The winner of each major party primary will face off in the general election next November.

At this point, Senator Shelby has raised more money than all six of his opponents combined.


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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