By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Tuesday, December 8, House District 5 voters go to the polls to select the Republican candidate who will run in the Special General Election to decide who will be their next Representative in the Alabama State House.
Republicans Danny Crawford and Chris Seibert will be the two candidates on Tuesday’s ballot in Limestone County.
Seibert said in a statement, “It’s time we stopped taxing our families and businesses and demand accountability and fiscal responsibility from our government. I will work hard to make sure we receive our fair share from Montgomery for our roads and schools. Now more than ever our district needs a voice and representation at the state level and I will make sure our concerns and issues are heard. It was an honor to serve my country and now I want to serve our community and bring the honesty and integrity I learned in the military to the Alabama House of Representatives.”
Danny Crawford is a former Limestone County and state executive director of the Farm Service Agency (FSA). He is a former member of the Athens City Council. Crawford said on his Facebook page, “Issues that are important to me: 1. Protecting our conservative values 2. Working on economic development to create new jobs 3. Improving our children’s education 4. Working toward tax reform – not tax increases.”
Crawford served a total of 33 years with FSA. He currently works as an independent crop insurance contractor. Crawford served on the Athens City Council from 1993 to 2005. Danny and his wife, Mary Kay, have one son, Matthew. They are members of Lindsay Lane Baptist Church and reside in Athens.
Chris Seibert is a member of the Athens City Council, a former Tide football player, a former US Air Force Captain and works as a medical sales director. Chris Seibert wrote, “I’ve spent a lot of time pondering what I should write in my last attempt to convince or encourage people to go out and choose me to fulfill the remainder of Rep Dan Williams term for Alabama State House District 5. Chris and his wife of 17 years, Tiffany, have two sons: Brock and Ben.
Crawford grew up in the Belle Mina community on the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station farm. He worked his way through Auburn University, earning his bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Crawford has been endorsed by the Alabama Farmer’s Federation.
Seibert has been endorsed by former University of Alabama football coach, Gene Stallings.
On Tuesday, September 29, the special primary election to fill the vacancy in Alabama House District 5 occurred in Limestone County. No Republican came anywhere near getting fifty percent of the vote in the five person contest so Tuesday’s Republican runoff was necessary.
In the special election, Ronnie G. Coffman received 326 votes (10 percent of the ballots cast). Danny F. Crawford got 1,132 votes (33 percent). Mike Criscillis got 442 votes (13 percent). Jerry W. Hill received just 179 votes (5 percent). Chris Seibert had 1,313 votes (39 percent).
The Alabama House District 5 seat became open following the death of Representative Dan Williams (R-Athens) due to Leukemia.
Polls open at 7:00 am and close at 7:00 pm.
The winner of the Republican nomination will face Democrat Henry White in the Special General Election on February 16, 2016.